UFC on FOX 24 Preliminary Results: Alexander Volkov Outlasts Roy Nelson

It’s once again fight day here at LowKickMMA, and the talent on display tonight (Saturday, April 15th, 2017) will come from in the form of UFC on FOX 24. Headlining the card are Demetrious Johnson and Wilson Reis, but there’s a whole bunch of great fights also taking place on the preliminary section of the card.
Roy Nelson vs. Alexander Volkov in a heavyweight bout closes the preliminary card on FOX. In round 1, Nelson ties up, looking for the trip. Volkov turns him around, knees the legs. Nelson trips Volkov anyway. elson using head pressure to keep Volkov down, but he’s not able to get much going as Volkov threatens to get back up. Volkov gets back to guard but Nelson staying heavy. Referee steps in and stands them up. Volkov starts teeing off to end the round. In round 2, Volkov jabs, Nelson leg kick then whiffs on right hand. Nelson follows a Volkov body kick into another clinch. Volkov crosses upstairs, then right to the body. Nelson slowing. One big shot and done for Nelson, Volkov threw a lot of strikes to end the round. In round 3, Volkov body kick answered by overhand from Nelson. Big Country tries to hide overhand behind double jab, but he’s short and missed. Volkov continues to score w/ kicks and long punches. Nelson catches him ducking into an uppercut but Volkov goes back to work. Nelson still moving forward, occasionally connecting with glancing right hand, but he’s eating body knees and kicks. They exchanged to the bell. Volkov picked up the decision win.
Patrick Williams vs. Tom Duquesnoy is next in a bantamweight bout. In round 1, body kick for Williams opens this bout. Williams presses forward w/ long punches, then leg kick. Duquesnoy shoots, but stuffed. Williams is successful on his second shot attempt, feeds Duquesnoy uppercuts on his way back up. The Frenchman pressures now. They trade knees to the body inside. Duquesnoy leg kick countered by Williams takedown, but he’s up. Williams drops Duquesnoy. Duquesnoy back up and he smashes Williams with an uppercut when the American off-balances on an overhand.In round 2, Duquesnoy with a huge elbow, drops Williams and follows up with strikes and that’s the fight.
Rashid Magomedov vs. Bobby Green is next in a lightweight bout. In round 1, hard low leg kick for Green answered by 1-2 for Magomedov. Body kick for Magomedov. They clinch up and Green busts up the body with knees. Green has Magomedov pressed into the cage, but takes a knee below belt. We’re back to action. Green clinches up and nearly drags Magomedov down, then tries slamming him from body lock, but Magomedov denies him. In round 2, leg kick for Green, misses wide hook. Magomedov eats a jab, returns fire. Green outlanding Rashid so far but eating counters. Green was poked in the eye. Rashid lands a nice body kick. They trade punches with neither guy getting a clear advantage. Green knee to body. In round 3, Magomedov digs hard to the body after the break, starts to take over the kickboxing battle. Green clinches in response. Superman punch followed by a jump knee land for Magomedov at the end of the fight. Magomedov picked up the split decision win.
Tim Elliott vs. Louis Smolka in a flyweight bout opens the FOX preliminary bouts. In round 1, Elliott in on the quick takedown to start. Smolka put right on his back and Elliott right into side control and a guillotine. Elliott with hard knees as Smolka stands. Smolka got position for a moment, but Elliott not letting him. Elliot escapes the guillotine choke. Takedown for Elliott but Smolka threatens to take his back. Elliott reverses to top, peppering Smolka as he gets up. In round 2, Elliott with yet another takedown, gets the back, now has crucifix where he lands hammerfists. Smolka going for a leg but Elliot got out. Elliott with a deep guillotine but Smolka survived the round. In round 3, Smolka opens the round peppering with leg kicks and punches, but Elliott blasts through for another takedown. He hits elbows as Smolka gets up. The wild scrambles continue. Elliott has zero trouble getting Smolka down, but can’t control him or put him in real trouble. Smolka with the takedown, threatening to take the back. Elliott reverses to top, now they’re up. Overhand, takedown for Elliott. The judges gave Elliott the win by decision.
Aljamain Sterling vs. Augusto Mendes in a bantamweight bout finishes off the UFC Fight Pass preliminary card. In round 1, Sterling opens with leg kicks and jabs to the body. Mendes answers with body kick. Sterling trying to keep distance with jabs and side kicks to the legs. Mendes pressures him back, Sterling ducks under for takedown. Mendes working butterfly hooks to off-balance Sterling. He goes for omoplata then leg lock but Sterling steps out. Mendes is threatening with subs and sweeps, but Sterling is holding his own and maintaining top position. Mild ground and pound for Sterling. In round 2, a counter right from Sterling stops Mendes briefly in his tracks. Sterling clinches on the cage but not much happening. Mendes gets a body lock and nearly drags Sterling down. Clinch stalemate breaks with 80 seconds left. Sterling jabs, throws rights. Sterling ended the round in top position. In round 3, long punches and kicks for Sterling. Front kicks to the bread basket and jabs are his best weapons. Mendes reverses Sterling on the fence. The stalemate results in referee restart. Sterling hits some kicks but Mendes clinches again. They separate and exchange the bell. Sterling picked up the decision win.
Devin Clark vs. Jake Collier is next in a light heavyweight bout. In round 1, Clark goes in for a takedown but Collier stuffs it, gets out of clinch. Clark clinches. Collier reverses on the cage, grinds with elbows then hits spinning back kick. Clark bullrushes into the clinch again. Collier is doing well to reverse position and land offense when the two tie up. Clark finally gets a takedown. Clark landed a big knee as Collier stood up. The fight goes on. In round 2, left hand for Clark, then body kick. Collier uppercut meets Clark as he changes levels. Collier defends shot, swings to back. Clark gets a brief takedown. Clark has him against the fence. In round 3, left hook, overhand right for Collier, but Clark counters the forward movement with a takedown. Collier briefly tries a kimura. Collier up, ducks a wild shot, gets the back, but Clark drags him down again. Clark has the back and Collier flattened out. Collier scrambled to his feet to end the round. Clark picked up the decision win.
Andrew Sanchez vs. Anthony Smith is next in a light heavyweight bout. In round 1, front kick lands for Smith, but he’s dropped to all fours briefly by an overhand right. Sanchez pursues and gets a takedown. Smith looking to pass but ref stands them up before he can. Body kick, left hook for Smith. Smith pushes forward and eats an uppercut on the way into the clinch.In round 2, huge Sanchez overhand off-balances him, he eats a body kick. Sanchez lands a combo but eats a hard leg kick. They trade shots. Sanchez clinches and works for takedown but Smith defends, gets out. Right hands for Sanchez. Smith shoots a single, but stuffed. Sanchez pounding on Smith, who is shoved up into the cage. In round 3, Smith looking tired, but he lands a knee and a right to fight out of Sanchez-initiated clinch. Smith is starting to go to work with his strikes. He eats a nice counter combo but it doesn’t slow Smith much. Sanchez cross. Smith lands a head kick, jumps into mount at the base of the cage, and drops hellacious hammerfists for the stoppage!
Nathan Coy vs. Zak Cummings is next in a welterweight bout. Coy ducks under but quickly abandons the shot. Coy jab but he eats a big Cummings left. Cummings jab knocks down an off-balanced Coy. Cummings is head hunting Coy but eating return fire as he foregoes defense. Cummings gets a guillotine and it’s is deep and Coy is out cold.
Opening the UFC Fight Pass prelims is Ketlen Vieria vs. Ashlee Evans-Smith in a women’s bantamweight bout. In round 1, Vieria came out and clinched with her right away. Evans-Smith has her back to the fence. When she throws one. Evans-Smith closing the round with a great burst of physicality. Nice knee, punch combo. In round 2, leg kick for Evans-Smith but again getting tagged by multi punch combo, Evans-Smith covering up. She shoots gets stuffed, Vieira gets takedown. Evans-Smith gets back to her feet but Vieira is attached to her back. Evans-Smith scrapes her off, goes back to leg kick. Rights for Vieira. In round 3, Evans-Smith landing a big shot puts Vieira down. Vieira scrambles up and right into the clinch. Vieira has rear waist lock again, going to foot stomps and knees. Ref restarts them. Leg kicks for Evans-Smith . She clinches and knees. They have a wild exchange to end the round. The judges gave the win to Vieria by decision.
Here are the results:
Heavyweight: Alexander Volkov def. Roy Nelson via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Bantamweight: Tom Duquesnoy def. Patrick Williams via TKO (elbows) – Round 2, 0:28
Lightweight: Rashid Magomedov def. Bobby Green via Split Decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Flyweight: Tim Elliott def. Louis Smolka via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
PRELIMINARY CARD (UFC Fight Pass/4:30 p.m. ET)
Bantamweight: Aljamain Sterling def. Augusto Mendes via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Light Heavyweight: Devin Clark def. Jake Collier via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-26)
Light Heavyweight: Anthony Smith def. Andrew Sanchez via knockout (knee, punches) – Round 3, 3:52
Welterweight: Zak Cummings def. Nathan Coy via submission (guillotine choke) – Round 1, 4:21
Female Bantamweight: Ketlen Vieira def. Ashlee Evans-Smith via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)