UFC Greenville Results: Andrea Lee Outclasses Montana De La Rosa

Next up on the UFC Greenville main card is a women’s flyweight bout between Montana De La Rosa and Andrea Lee.
Round 1:
Lots of leg work from Lee early on. Rosa keeping Lee at bay with her jab and has a few head kicks blocked. Rosa eats a big jab from Lee that wobbles her a bit. Rosa comes in with a big takedown and Lee scoots to the cage. Lee gets to her feet but still has Rosa on top of her against the cage. Lee with a nice knee to separate the clinch.
Lee has a kick caught and Rosa with the takedown again. Lee gets to her feet and is pressured by Rosa against the cage. Lee separates the clinch yet again. Lee comes in with a big overhand but Rosa ducks it to clinch again. More knees to the body from Lee to separate the clinch. Rosa comes in for a takedown but eats a knee to the face instead. Lee ends the round with a takedown of her own.
Round 2:
Failed takedown attempt from De La Rosa to start the round. She goes right back in on another, but Lee withstands and is able to get against the cage. Rosa finally gets the takedown, but Lee is right back up. Lee separates and De La Rosa is bleeding form her nose. Uppercut lands for Rosa and Lee responds with a stiff jab.
Body kick lands for Lee, who sprawls nicely to defend a takedown. A nice 1-2 lands for Lee. Rosa catches a kick, loses it, and then gets the takedown on Lee. Some elbows to the head from Lee and she gets to her feet, but Rosa still has her against the cage. The round comes to an end.
Round 3:
Very scrappy from both women to open this round. Lee lands a nice kick to the body and Rosa responds with a nice body shot. Rosa gets a trip takedown against the cage but Lee is sitting against the cage. Lee gets to her feet but is taken right back down by Rosa. De La Rosa locks up the legs of Lee, who is able to scramble free. Lee gets to her feet but Rosa is on her back.
Lee turns away from her and throws her out of the clinch. Rosa catches a kick from Lee and is able to get top position. Rosa tried to lock in a choke but Lee escaped. Lee postures up and rains down some big shots. An elbow from Lee and Rosa is able to lock up an arm. Lee gets her arm free and continues her attack. Lee tried for a weird reverse inverted triangle but can’t lock it in. The round comes to an end with Lee taking Rosa’s back. Great fight.
Official Result: Andrea Lee def. Montana De La Rosa via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)