UFC Fight Night 120 Preliminary Card Results: Marlon Moraes Edges Out John Dodson

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It’s once again fight day here at LowKickMMA, and the talent on display tonight (Saturday, November 11th, 2017) will come from in the form of UFC Fight Night 120. Headlining the card are Dustin Poirier and Anthony Pettis, but there’s a whole bunch of great fights also taking place on the preliminary section of the card.

John Dodson vs. Marlon Moraes in a bantamweight bout closes the preliminary card on FOX Sports 1. In round 1, They trade leg kicks. Moraes hits a left hook to the body but misses the right. Now lands a right and a glancing head kick. Dodson off-balances Moraes with a right, Moraes comes back at him but gets dropped by a left. He pops up and they swing in the pocket. Moraes seems recovered. He’s a little bit hittable in the pocket but his kicks are scoring and he’s willing to throw down. Dodson absorbs one of the worst groin shots ever and nearly throws up. He’s up walking it off but oh my goodness. They’re back to work. Dodson presses forward and they both connect in the pocket. Moraes continues kicking the body. Dodson ends the round with a body kick and head kick while eating a left hook. In round 2, Moraes pressures. A counter left cross lands for Dodson. Moraes body kick answered by Dodson leg kick. Dodson catches a kick and dumps Moraes but is instantly entangled in a heel hook. He pulls out and Moraes as he stands. Dodson catches a head kick and the same ground sequence plays out. Moraes tries to shoot against the fence on his way up but Dodson stuffs it. Spinning hook kick doesn’t quite land for Moraes. He tries a jumping knee and eats a counter jab. Moraes in deep on a double, can’t quite keep him down. In round 3, Moraes had a bunch of water dumped on his head right before the final round began. Dodson blitzes and lands a couple head shots before darting out. Cross to the body for Dodson answered by cross to the mug for Moraes. Moraes hits counter left hook as Dodson tries to come inside. Moraes slips and Dodson tries to punch him with a big overhand. Moraes’ right foot is very red. Counter left hooks for Moraes then a leg kick. Dodson kicks his body, absorbs a counter. A clubbing overhand lands for Dodson. Moraes shoots in but can’t get it and the ref breaks them up. Dodson shoots and Moraes jumps a guillotine. Dodson mad that Moraes seemed to hold the guillotine after the horn and had to be pulled off. The bell sounded and then Dodson tapped to the guillotine. Interesting stuff there. Anyways, the judges gave Moraes the split decision win.

Tatiana Suarez vs. Viviane Pereira is next in a women’s strawweight bout. In round 1, Suarez pushes forward into the clinch after a couple more kicks but Pereira has a hold of her neck. Suarez single leg to side control. Suarez staying busy and heavy on top. Nearly takes the back, Pereira reclaims guard but Suarez passes right away. Suarez has the back now, both hooks in. Suarez tries to roll Pereira belly-down but doesn’t quite succeed. Pereira escapes the back mount but still on her back. In round 2, Suarez starts the round with more long kicks, shoots from too far away and gets sprawled on but she chains and bodies Pereira to the mat easily. Pereira bucks Suarez out of mount but now she’s jammed up against the cage with the bigger Suarez on top of her mauling away. Pereira works her way to her feet but Suarez has her neck. Suarez bails on it, rips Pereira back down again. Suarez has Pereira stacked and bases away with hammerfists until the bell.In round 3, Suarez staying on the outside with long kicks again. Pereira ducks under a cross and lands a couple of hooks. Suarez shoots. Suarez takes Pereira down at the base of the cage again. She resumes her smothering ground assault. Suarez gets mount again and is trying to pin one arm behind Pereira’s back. Has to settle for side control, then takes the back. Total domination for Suarez. She goes to mount looking for an armbar before the horn, gets up and sprints around the cage clapping. The judges gave the win to Suarez.

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Sage Northcutt vs. Michel Quinones is next in a lightweight bout. In round 1, Michel starts off with a leg kick. Sage counters another with a 1-2. Quinones tries a Superman punch and Sage meets him with another cross. Michel attacks the lead leg and has Sage’s nose bloody. Sage off-balances Michel with another cross and blitzes as Michel stumbles against cage. Sage pressuring a bit but not landing much. A jab here and there otherwise he’s waiting. Counter cross, head kick for Sage. Oblique kick staggers Quinones. Michel leg kicks but he’s not doing much either and Sage is faster and more powerful than him so far. Sage tries a jump knee but gets side-kicked, dives on a takedown as the round ends. In round 2, Michel flicks out a couple of leg kicks but Sage is right in his face again, landing a side kick, body kick. Counter left hook for Sage. Sage lands a nice body kick as Quinones tries to circle out. Michel lands eg kicks but that’s the extent of his offense. Sage counters another kick with a 2-piece upstairs. He steps in with a steep but eats a cross. They trade punches, Michel blocks a head kick. Neither guy is landing much cleanly other than leg kicks. Sage steps in a right hand, then again. He smacks a pair of kicks off Michel’s arms. Neither guy is landing much cleanly other than leg kicks. Sage steps in a right hand, then again. He smacks a pair of kicks off Michel’s arms. In round 3, Sage out pressuring once again. He lands a right and they trade body kicks. Sage hits a leg kick, goes for a takedown against cage but stuffed. Back in center cage Sage backs up Quinones with a triple jab, then snaps his head with another one. Sage putting on point-striking clinic. Sage body kick then a left hook that lands clean, then another. Quinones lands a clean cross. He’s staying in here but getting out-struck. Sage shoots and lifts Quinones bodily up and slams him. Michel scrambles up quick, Sage briefly thinks about a guillotine, let’s go. Quinones lands another clean right. He’s still relying a lot on his speed for defense but he’s landing more and not having to pay for it. Northcutt shoots in but gets stuffed as round nears its end. The judges gave Northcutt the decision win.

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Angela Hill vs. Nina Ansaroff in a women’s strawweight bout opens the FOX Sports 1 preliminary bouts. In round 1, Ansaroff lands a leg kick then nice counter jab that snaps Hill’s head back. Hill returns fire. Flush left hook for Hill. Ansaroff’s jab is working for her. Hill clinches up to stifle a spinning back kick. Ansaroff sends a head kick off her hands on break. Hill able to land some punches with more authority while Ansaroff continues to leg kick and jab well. Hill body kick. Head kick from Ansaroff answered by right hand, leg kick from Hill. They trade kicks at the horn. In round 2, They’re trading leg kicks and punches upstairs but Ansaroff’s seem to be landing with more authority. Nice clinch knee for Hill. Hill counters another leg kick with a cross that staggers Ansaroff. Hill with a nice left hook to the body and a counter right upstairs. Spinning back kick to the head blocked by Hill. This is a competitive, very high-output kickboxing battle. Hill lands a right and just avoids the high kick coming back. They dirty box in the pocket but Hill gets the better of it, lands a left hook on break. Hill has caught a couple of kicks and threatens to dump Ansaroff but hasn’t been able to yet. They are banging it out. In round 3, Head kick lands for Ansaroff and they throw spinning back kicks at the same time, at the bell. The judges gave the win to Ansaroff. 

Court McGee vs. Sean Strickland in a welterweight bout finishes off the UFC Fight Pass preliminary card. In round 1, Strickland goes for a counter right hand, misses the first, catches a head kick (on his head), lands a second. Brief takedown. Strickland jab and left hook. Court going to the body. High-paced kickboxing to start. Strickland finding a home for his 3-2. McGee having trouble finding Strickland’s head so he’s kicking the body and legs. Strickland lands a right that stops a McGee takedown before it can really begin. Strickland continues to find counter left hook as McGee presses forward. McGee lands a pair of glancing rights then a snappy leg kick. Strickland lands a right upstairs. McGee’s face reddening. In round 2, McGee comes out aggressive once again, Strickland on his bike. McGee shoots as soon as he has Strickland near the cage. Stuffed so far. McGee with the rear waist lock but Strickland escapes. McGee body and leg kicks. A Strickland jab snaps his head back. McGee continues to flick out leg and middle kicks. Strickland stuffs a shot on the fence again. Strickland not throwing as much this round. Nice left hook from Strickland answered by McGee right. McGee walking through jabs, left hooks to kick every part of Strickland he can. In round 3, McGee lands a head kick as Strickland tries to put 1-2s on his mug. McGee sits back for a leglock but Strickland pulls out easily. Strickland grabs/slams him, jumps on his back. Strickland won the fight by decision. 

Marcel Fortuna vs. Jake Collier is next in a light heavyweight bout. In round 1, Collier opens with a pair of leg kicks but misses on a pair of left hands. Fortuna pushes forward on him but only lands a leg kick. A right off-balances Collier and he falls but pops right up. He lands a counter a left hook, eats one, lands a right. Collier is staying busy but he’s there to be countered. Some of his punches coming slow. He tries a jump knee, gets jabbed and falls down. Fortuna hits a pair of counter rights but absorbs one from Collier that seems like it hurt. Collier very active with kicks. Fortuna clinches up and immediately swings around to the back but Collier gets to the cage and disengages. Kicks and a left hand from Collier are met with a near-flush spinning back elbow from Fortuna. Combo lands for Collier. Fortuna lands a pair of nice counters as he ducks and weaves away from Collier’s punches. Collier doing well with body kicks. In round 2, Collier opens with a shot but bails on it quickly. Nice left hook for Collier. Fortuna shoots and jumps on Collier’s back. Collier is able to stand and shuck Fortuna off. They’re trading punches but a lot is blocked or missing. Then hard spinning back kick for Collier. Fortuna clinches, lets go when he has Collier on cage and lands a salvo. Fortuna seems fresher. Collier throwing more but losing the snap. Fortuna shoots and takes Collier down easily in the middle of the cage, gets mount quickly. Collier goes belly down and escapes out the back door, in guard. Collier with mild ground and until the bell. In round 3, Collier lands a couple nice rights, then an uppercut and a head kick. Jab, right hand for Collier. Fortuna shoots but gets shucked off. Collier with a left but he eats a right. Fortuna with a takedown. Collier able to get on top in the scramble right away, postures and soon let’s Fortuna up. Pace for days for Collier. He’s landing left hooks and body kicks. Jab but eats a left hook then a hard right that staggers him. Fortuna flurries and lands a glancing head kick but Collier escapes and resumes his attack. Collier picked up the decision win.

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Opening the UFC Fight Pass prelims is Karl Roberson vs. Darren Stewart in a middleweight bout. In round 1, Stewart has so far elected to stand with the Glory kickboxing vet. Let kicks and spinning back kicks. He blocks a high kick. Roberson hits a body kick then dirty boxes, hits clinch knees, prompting a takedown attempt from Stewart. Roberson elbows. Roberson counters a trip and throws Stewart to the mat and takes his back immediately. He’s fishing for a choke. Stewart defends but Roberson sinks it as he tries to get to his knees. And there’s the tap.

Here are the results:


Bantamweight: Marlon Moraes def. John Dodson by split decision (30-27, 27-30, 30-27)

Strawweight: Tatiana Suarez def. Viviane Pereira by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-26)

Lightweight: Sage Northcutt def. Michel Quinones by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Strawweight: Nina Ansaroff def. Angela Hill by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

PRELIMINARY CARD (UFC Fight Pass/6:30 p.m. ET)

Welterweight: Sean Strickland defeated Court McGee via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Light Heavyweight: Jake Collier def. Marcel Fortuna by unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Middleweight: Karl Roberson def. Darren Stewart via submission (rear-naked choke) – Round 1, 3:41