UFC 240 Results: Max Holloway Bests Frankie Edgar

In the main event of the UFC 240 pay-per-view (PPV), UFC featherweight champion Max Holloway takes on ex-lightweight champion Frankie Edgar.
Round 1:
Holloway with a hook but Edgar lands one of his own. A pair of jabs land for Holloway. Leg kick lands for Edgar. A big uppercut lands for Holloway as Edgar comes in on a takedown. Edgar lands some hooks inside the pocket. A nice right hand connects for Edgar. A right hand lands for Holloway now.
A left hook to the body connects for Holloway. Edgar lands a nice leg kick, followed up by a right hand. Another big uppercut lands for Holloway. A nice jab lands for Holloway to end the round.
Round 2:
Holloway gets in a nice left to the body, followed by a big right hand. Edgar responds with a big left hand. Holloway eats a leg kick to double up on a jab and uppercut. Holloway stuffs a takedown and circles out with a check hook. Edgar shoots in on a takedown but it’s stuffed. Both men landing hard shots inside the pocket now.
Edgar lands a nice combination. A lead hook connects for Holloway and Edgar’s nose is bleeding. Holloway stuffs a takedown but Edgar lands some nice shots on the break. A big right hand lands for Holloway as Edgar fails on a takedown attempt. Holloway again eats a leg kick to double up on a jab.
Holloway puts together a very nice combination. A spinning kick to the body wobbles Edgar against the cage to end the round.
Round 3:
Edgar had a deep single leg in but Holloway defended it beautifully. Edgar with a body shot and Holloway fires back with one of his own. Edgar connects with a shot in the pocket. Holloway is finding a very nice home for his jab.
Edgar with a nice shot and goes in for a takedown. Holloway stuffs it and makes him pay with some vicious strikes to the head. Holloway has Edgar stunned and Holloway smells blood. Edgar is able to wrap up Holloway’s legs and gets the double leg against the cage. Holloway gets to his feet and lands a knee to the body and skull to end the round.
Round 4:
Edgar goes for a single leg takedown, Holloway stuffs it and lands a nice hook to separate. Now Edgar lands some good hooks coming inside. Edgar now with a right hand over the top. A nice jumping hook lands for Edgar. Holloway stuffs a single-leg attempt. Another single-leg takedown attempt against the cage and Holloway defends nicely. Edgar lands a nice hook.
Holloway works the body with a pair of strikes but Edgar fires back with a pair of body kicks. Edgar puts together a combination. A jab from Holloway and Edgar touches Holloway up with a combination in return. Holloway fires back with a big combination, and he’s putting together some heavy shots. Edgar shoots in hard for a takedown attempt against the cage but they separate and Holloway lands a body kick as the round ends.
Round 5:
Edgar comes in with a takedown defense early but it’s defended. A nice right hand and jab land for Holloway, followed by a right hand. Holloway sprawls to defend a takedown and gets to his feet. Edgar with a leg kick. Nice right hands land for Holloway as Edgar jumps in. A spinning back kick misses from Holloway and Edgar jumps on Holloway’s back but they separate. The pair throw heavy shots as the final horn blows.
Official Result: Max Holloway def. Frankie Edgar via unanimous decision (50-45, 50-45, 48-47)