Twitter Reacts To Changes In UFC Weigh-In Policy

For the past two years the UFC has been having its fighters weigh-in the morning before fight night as opposed to the old evening time that dominated the promotion for so long.
UFC President Dana White recently took to the UFC Unfiltered podcast to reveal that he is currently working on “getting rid” of the current morning weigh-in procedure.
The UFC boss then said he’s “looking at taking the weigh-ins back to the way they used to be,” where fighters weighed in during the late afternoon.
Fighters immediately took to Twitter to respond to the news, and they are not happy. Former UFC lightweight champion Eddie Alvarez stood out amongst the most passionate of the bunch:
Early Weigh inns were the best thing to happen to this sport . You are either accountable or Not . Missing weight has nothing to do with the structure is has to do with the individual. 🤦♂️ #baddec #makeweight
— Eddie Alvarez (@Ealvarezfight) June 5, 2018
Proper weight cuts start months in advance not the week of the fight , We sign contacts wayyyy in advance and are told the requirements . If You miss Its Your Fucking Fault !!!!!!!
— Eddie Alvarez (@Ealvarezfight) June 5, 2018
Not the structure, not the hot tubs , not the suanas, not the meal prep guys , not the UFC , not the plane ride . If You miss weight it's All Your Fualt . Why are we blaming the system ??????? Please help me here guys
— Eddie Alvarez (@Ealvarezfight) June 5, 2018
Please bossman @danawhite don't get rid of the early Weigh inns. it won't solve a thing . Your punishing the fighters who are accountable and responsible. #dontdoit
— Eddie Alvarez (@Ealvarezfight) June 5, 2018
Noooooooo! 🙅🏻♂️👎🏼
— Shane Burgos (@HurricaneShaneB) June 5, 2018
If more guys fasted maybe they’d make weight 🤔
— Belal Muhammad (@bullyb170) June 5, 2018
Or dieted correctly. 🙂
— The Mane Event™ (@EliasTheodorou) June 5, 2018
PLEASE! Listen to FIGHTERS and FIGHT TEAMS and DOCTORS about early weighs ins! How about our community asks those who DO cut weight and re-hydrate about what’s better? Our sport should move to be safer, not the opposite!
— Eduardo Alonso (@eduardo_alonso) June 5, 2018
How about we get to weigh in all day, early or late, as long as it’s before ceremonials. Most fighters seem to want to get it over with as quickly as possible.
— Angela Hill (@AngieOverkill) June 5, 2018
People maybe need to manage time better or change weight classes. If weigh ins are earlier, start cutting earlier if you need the extra time (as in night before maybe start at 4pm instead of 8pm) I also feel like most misses I've watched time wasn't a factor, they were sucked dry
— Sarah Kaufman (@mmasarah) June 5, 2018
Doing away with early weighins would penalize the majority of upstanding athletes for the misdeeds of the unprofessional minority. A better solution would be to continue early weigh-ins at 9a but also allow weights to be certified during public weighins at 4p. @danawhite @ufc
— Mike DOLCE (@TheDolceDiet) June 5, 2018
High School and College Wrestlers make weight 20-30x in a 6-month period and everyone is complaining about PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES who can’t discipline themselves to make weight 2-3x a year. The athletes are the problem, not the system. I’m done with this topic.
— Gerald Harris (@GHurricane) June 5, 2018
@JohnMcCarthyMMA over 90% of fighters make weight so why are they accommodating those that miss. Making weigh ins later only punishes the athletes who do it the right way. Now they have to sit around for 6-8 hours, do interviews, meet fans, & publicly weigh in dehydrated
— Gerald Harris (@GHurricane) June 5, 2018
It’s a huge mistake. Why is it you would change things for the small minority of fighters not doing things right, pushing the envelope of what their bodies can lose and penalizing all of the fighters who do it correctly? Does this make sense to you?
— Big John McCarthy (@JohnMcCarthyMMA) June 5, 2018
I totaly dislike this move back to 4pm weigh ins. Unfortunate the unprofessional actions of a few, take away more recovery time for the rest of us…
— The Mane Event™ (@EliasTheodorou) June 5, 2018