From context clues that i have gatherd from the past few months I am prepared to show to you what i belive is 100% postive the outcome of TUF 11 and why Rich Franklin is fighting instead of Tito Ortiz.  If you dont want to find out then dont read this….

Recently announce ufc115 card was anounced that Chuck Liddel will be fighting Rich franklin. Tito Ortiz comments on twitter “All you haters watch the show to find out what happends”

Weeks before this tito also commented that he was hospitalized due to a life threatning flu which happend to occure during the exact time TUF11 was being taped. 

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This week when Anton_Gurvich released the video Dana White on Jim Rome is Burning – April 14, 2010. Dana talks about what happend around 4:50 that a video person takeing down a coaches picture of Rich Franklin.

Conclusion Tito gets severly sick.  Rich Franklin takes his choaching spot.  Franklin earns ufc115 fight against Liddel!!!  p.s I belive tito will fight liddel in the future..

Tell me what you think.