Thiago Santos Stuns Jack Hermansson With Late First-Round Stoppage


Round 1:

Santos misses an overhand to open the round. A left hook and body kick lands for Santos and Hermansson comes in on a takedown attempt against the cage. After they disengage Santos comes out like a wild man and is throwing huge shots, dazing Hermansson a bit after landing a few hard shots. Hermansson seems to have regained himself and is moving around well again.

Santos lands a few nice hooks but Hermansson presses forward now. Santos backs him off with a jumping kick attempt that misses and the round comes to an end with Santos blitzing with seconds left to pick up the last-second finish with a barrage of hard shots. Simply amazing.

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Official Result: Thiago Santos def. Jack Hermansson via R1 TKO (strikes, 4:59)