‘The Man With The Iron Fists’ Trailer Confirms That Wu-Tang Clan Still Ain’t Nothin’ to F*ck With

Written (along with Hostel’s Eli Roth), directed, and starring RZA from the Wu-Tang Clan, the first trailer for The Man with the Iron Fists hit the interwebs recently, and we gotta say, it looks like Kill Bill fucked The Raid: Redemption in the remains of Game of Death. In a good way.

Starring such MMA stars as Cung Le and Dave Bautista *snicker*, as well as the likes of Russel Crowe and Lucy Liu, The Man with the Iron Fists IMDB page lists the synopsis of the film as such:

In feudal China, a blacksmith who makes weapons for a small village is put in the position where he must defend himself and his fellow villagers.

And that position is apparently a seven clan battle that quite possibly carries out tournament style. If Bloodsport, The Quest, or really any movie in Jean-Claude Van Damme’s career has taught us anything, it’s that the tournament setup is far and away the greatest movie formula ever invented. And hey, our favorite San Shou practitioner appears at the 1:09 mark, where he delivers a monologue that literally must have taken days to remember.

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I shouldn’t have to point out (but am going to anyway) that the film also appears to have hot Asian chicks in decreasing amounts of clothing. Lord knows I’m in based on that alone, but how about yous?

-J. Jones