Ben Rothwell Pummels Stefan Struve – UFC DC Results

Ben Rothwell

Next up at UFC DC is a heavyweight bout between Stefan Struve, who is coming out of retirement, to take on Ben Rothwell.

Round 1:

Leg kick from Struve. Rothwell storms in but finds nothing but a front kick to the body. Struve puts together a nice combination and Rothwell clinches up. They separate and Struve lands a nice kick to the head. A low blow from Rothwell stops the action. He’s in a ton of pain. Rothwell lands a nice combination and unloads against the Octagon as he clinches up. The round comes to an end.

Round 2:

Struve with a nice pair of uppercuts and Rothwell responds with a lead hook. Rothwell punches his way inside and clinches against the cage. Struve gets caught with an overhand off a kick but fires back with a jab. Rothwell against clinches up against the cage. Struve gets away after some knees to the body, and lands another head kick. Rothwell again nails Struve with a low blow, and he’s down in a ton of pain.

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The referee takes a point and after a few minutes the fight resumes. Rothwell blitzes with a ton of shots but Struve circles out after a clinch. Rothwell with some nice shots on Struve now against the cage and he drops. Rothwell pours it on and gets the finish.

Official Result: Ben Rothwell def. Stefan Struve via R2 TKO (punches, 4:57)