Conor McGregor Keeping His Eye On Everyone Including GSP & Tyron Woodley
McGregor is keeping a close eye on everyone that includes these two fighters.
McGregor is keeping a close eye on everyone that includes these two fighters.
Rockhold also gave his prediction for this UFC 229 headliner.
It looks like McGregor’s comments last week may have landed him in hot water.
Ngannou has yet to talk with White but plans to do so.
Jedrzejczyk had to make an example of him after asking twice.
This already-huge card just got a huge boost.
These 10 fighters had the MMA world in the palm of their hands but wasted it away.
Was this the right choice to book for Alexander Gustafsson?
Nate Diaz was reportedly involved in ANOTHER public brawl:
Cormier has an opponent in mind for Romero.