Lorenzo Fertitta reacts to controversial caption posted online

Last Saturday, a highly controversial caption appeared online that while perhaps intended as humor, seemed to insinuate that UFC President Dana White was such a fan of Jon Jones, that he had bet an exorbitant sum of money on him to retain the title at UFC 145 in Atlanta, Georgia. Understandably, number-one contender Rashad Evans reacted with anger upon hearing these allegations. While the site did issue a retraction, there still has been much fallout that could ultimately have legal ramifications. 

Jeff Monson: I can finish Fedor on the ground (Exclusive Interview)

Long time Mixed Martial Arts fans are very familiar with ‘The Snowman’ Jeff Monson. He made his name as a Division 1 wrestler for Oregon State University, made his professional MMA debut in 1997, and has been a dominate force in the submission grappling world for many years. He has fought for every major MMA organization and one of the few fighters in the world to have fought on all corners of the globe. Back in 2006, fresh off a decision loss to Tim Sylvia for the heavyweight title he

Anthony Johnson: It’s going to be fun fighting Vitor Belfort (Exclusive Interview)

If you’ve ever watched an Anthony Johnson fight, you have to tell yourself not to blink because you could miss out on a potentially epic knockout or TKO. On paper we know he is a wrestler, but fans know that the man known as ‘Rumble’ has a very technical and powerful striking game to compliment his wrestling abilities. His left high kick has become a trademark in his arsenal; he also has dynamite in his fists. If any of these weapons were to touch an opponent’s chin they would for

JMMA Lives!: Alex Soto talks about fighting at DEEP 54 (Exclusive Interview)

Alex Soto is a name fans aren’t very familiar with yet, but he’ll be someone the people will recognize very soon. Born and raised in Tijuana, Mexico, Alex immigrated to the United States and joined the Army to give back to his adopted country in times of need after 9-11. After four years of service, Alex returned to his hometown of San Diego, and got a job training dolphins for the US Navy.
When Alex isn’t working with the military, he’s training in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts,

Assemblyman Bob Reilly: Insurance isn’t going to do anything for the brain damage fighters suffer

ZUFFA’s recent announcement of the company’s customized accident insurance coverage, which covers all Strikeforce and UFC fighters inside and outside of the cage, appeared to be both welcomed and applauded by all. That is, with the exception of MMA’s most infamous detractor, New York Assemblyman Bob Reilly, who has openly likened the sport to a form of “human cockfighting.”

Maximo Blanco: My name is Maxi, and I’ll do my talking in the Octagon (Exclusive Interview)

“The Max Murderer” Maximo Blanco is a star in the world of Japanese Mixed Martial Arts. The 27 year old Venezuelan first made his name in the world of Combat Sports as a freestyle wrestler. He won a bronze medal in the 60kg division at the 2007 Pan American games and earned a scholarship to wrestle at the college level in Japan.
After failing to qualify for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic games, he made the jump into Mixed Martial Arts by being recruited by Sengoku, and began training at the

Lyoto never faced someone like Quinton

Thats the sentence that started a long interview with Waldomiro Junior, one of the more important names on the BJJ panorama. Hailing from S.Paulo (Brazil), Waldomiro has trained “Rampage” for six years, including the Season 10 Ultimate Fighter were he was one of Quintons coaches against Rashad. The long duration of this “partnership” helps in preparation for the fights since the knowledge he has of Quinton makes the training a lot easier: he knows what works for Quinton and what doesnt.
For the fight