Daniel Cormier: Put me up against Jon Jones as coaches on The Ultimate Fighter

Earlier today, Strikeforce Heavyweight Grand Prix winner Daniel Cormier came out with some interesting statements concerning MMA’s most oft-discussed man, UFC Light Heavyweight champion Jon Jones. While Cormier has been a Heavyweight throughout his whole career and is set to face former champion Frank Mir in Strikeforce’s final Heavyweight bout ever on November 3rd, he seems to have grand ideas for his foray into the UFC. Speaking to BloodyElbow.com, Cormier relayed the following about a possible move down

Renzo Gracie takes out two muggers on the streets of New York City

UFC Veteran Renzo Gracie took out 2 alleged muggers last night as he was walking the streets of New York City. To add insult to the injuries of his two assailants, the Brazilian Jiujitsu Legend tweeted the entire incident.
In combatives and firearms classes, this author has often told his students the following paradigm: “If you look like food you will be eaten.” This tends to hold true in most areas of the world as criminals tend to prey on victims that appear to be weak or distracted.

Then and Now: What has changed in MMA since 2005?

A long term dynamic develops in every sport that sticks around for a while. A section of the fan base will inevitably compare the play of today to their heroes from yesteryear.  Whether it is the baseball fan that longs for the day where they didn’t have to worry about someone using performance enhancing drugs after every home run, or the football fan that yearns for the era of hard hitting and less complaining in the NFL. One thing is a common factor; this group wishes things would go back to

Brian Stann: I absolutely want to test Bisping’s chin

Brian Stann (12-4) and Michael Bisping (22-4) are set to face each other at UFC 152 on September 22. Stann says this fight will bring him one step closer to becoming a champion. He feels Bisping is one of the best and wants to test his abilities against him in the Octagon: “This guy’s one of the biggest stars of the UFC. He’s on the cusp of a title shot. That’s the situation I’m always looking for. I want to fight the best guys.”
Stann feels that Bisping is the perfect foe; a fighter who will give him a

Coach Mike Winkeljohn: Jones would be motivated to beat up on Chael Sonnen in Toronto

Jon Jones’ striking coach Mike Winkeljohn, is the latest to weigh-in on Jones’ decision to turn down a UFC 151 bout with Chael Sonnen after Dan Henderson was injured and withdrawn from the fight. Winkeljohn spoke with our good friends at Bloodyelbow.com and offered his defense of the champ.Coach Winkeljohn said: “Enough’s enough. I can’t sit back on the sidelines any longer. All I can say to everybody, don’t put this on Jon. There are others to blame. This UFC 151 problem should have been resolved weeks