Condit clarifies waiting for GSP, Hendricks vs Kampmann set for UFC 154

Carlos Condit has been catching flak for a rumor that he was turning down fights and resting on his laurels as UFC interim Welterweight Champion, while waiting for Georges St-Pierre to heal up so he could defend his title.According to Condit, in an interview with Fuel TV following UFC on FX 3, the only fight that the UFC has offered him has been the bout with St-Pierre to unify the titles: “Georges is the guy I have my eye on and as far as I know he’s going to be ready to go in November. I

Diego Sanchez vs. Jake Ellenbergr Head to Head: Who will win at UFC on Fuel TV 1

This Wednesday, Diego Sanchez and Jake Ellenberger will face off in a fight that may determine who the top ranked contender is in the UFC’s welterweight division.
While some people may sleep on this fight because it’s a midweek card and does not feature a “glamour” name in the main event, I would implore you, the reader, not to be one of those fans.  Between the two fighters they have captured five “Fight Night Bonuses, with Sanchez raking in four of those, including two