Khabib Nurmagomedov’s Manager Has Certain Demand For Conor McGregor Fight
Khabib Nurmagomedov has one demand.
Khabib Nurmagomedov has one demand.
Is this high enough for Anthony Smith?
These 10 fighters had the MMA world in the palm of their hands but wasted it away.
Is this spot right for Chad Mendes’ return to the UFC rankings?
Perhaps Colby Covington is trying to set something up here.
The UFC rankings just got a serious update after UFC 226.
McGregor has been in a ton of legal trouble lately.
Daniel Cormier is making moves before his heavyweight super fight with Stipe Miocic:
This is the most vulnerable GSP has looked in a long time.
These 12 knockout hitters are the most dangerous in the UFC today: