Mark Hunt’s Visa Issues Resolved, Fight With Dos Santos Is Still On
Fans can rest easy in the knowledge that ‘The Super Samoan’ will indeed face Junior dos Santos at UFC 160. Hunt was originally denied entry to the USA…
Fans can rest easy in the knowledge that ‘The Super Samoan’ will indeed face Junior dos Santos at UFC 160. Hunt was originally denied entry to the USA…
While Mark Hunt remains in limbo waiting for his visa in order to board a plane to Las Vegas, the Nevada State Athletic Commission appears confident on…
With the recent news of Mark Hunt’s visa issues, Roy Nelson has been put on stand by as a replacement for the UFC 160 bout against Junior dos Santos-that…
In a UFC interview prior to Mark Hunt’s May 25th clash with former world champion Junior dos Santos, ‘The Super Samoan’ appears to share…
Mark Hunt has not has an easy ride since Pride went belly up, firstly UFC Prez Dana White wanted Hunt to retire. He went as far as offering to pay the…
After a long back-and-forth to find a suitable replacement for Junior dos Santos at UFC 160 when Alistair Overeem was forced to withdraw with an injury,…
Former UFC Heavyweight Champion Junior dos Santos is looking to claw back to the top of that illustrious mountain with a victory over the surging…
The fight that everyone wants to see is booked for UFC 160 this May, and not surprisingly, former UFC heavyweight champion Junior dos Santos has opened…
Former heavyweight champ Junior Dos Santos will take on Mark Hunt at UFC 160. Junior recently spoke with, discussing his upcoming bout at UFC 160, as well as his original opponent Alistair Overeem.
UFC heavyweight fighter, Pride FC legend, and fan favorite Mark Hunt spoke earlier today about his upcoming bout. As well as this, Hunt speaks about problems he has had with the UFC and Dana White.