Cub Swanson Drops Hint At Potential Jose Aldo Rematch
Cub Swanson thinks this fight needs to happen again.
Cub Swanson thinks this fight needs to happen again.
Jose Aldo’s stoppage of Jeremy Stephens is even more brutal in slow motion.
Jose Aldo turned back the clock to remind why he’s the greatest featherweight ever.
These guys certainly earned their paychecks.
Here’s what the MMA world had to say about tonight’s fights.
Watch Jose Aldo’s pivotal – and brutal – stoppage of Jeremy Stephens right here:
Jose Aldo wrecks Jeremy Stephens with a body shot for the TKO win #UFCCalgary:
The greatest featherweight of all-time’s career is coming to a close.
Former WEC and UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo nearly hung up his gloves for good after his second…
The UFC has announced a new event and a big featherweight bout to go along with it. The…