Federal Trade Commission closes investigation into Zuffa’s purchase of Strikeforce

The ongoing investigation into Zuffa, LLC’s purchase of Strikeforce has come to a close. There had been talk for months that the Federal Trade Commission was looking into the purchase and seeking to determine if the purchase constituted a monopoly in the mixed martial arts world.
The text from the FTC’s letter closing the investigation is below:
The Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Competition has been conducting a nonpublic investigation to determine whether Zuffa, LLC’s

Bloodstain Lane’s Blog #5: Greg Jackson’s camp, Brock Lesnar, Megumi Fujii and a few words of wisdom

What’s up you fucking Bozo’s? Bloodstain is back with another blog for you pencil neck geeks – My Twitter war with Nathan “Hotdog” Marquardt has really took off and now it has got to the point where he invited me to spar and roll with him so he can beat me down..I know the cards are REALLY stacked against me…but one thing I do know is I’m not scared. I will approach this with a Chute Boxe & Hari/Manhoef Mentality. – Jon “Bones” Jones also said I aint an Alpha male. Words of wisdom to the “Black