RUFF 5: MMA makes its way to the Chinese mainland

Earlier today, RUFF (Ranik Ultimate Fighting Federation) 5 took place in mainland China. RUFF is currently the only government-sanctioned promotion in mainland China, and the main event of RUFF 5 was sponsored by MMA H.E.A.T today. In concordance with the groundbreaking event from Asia, MMA H.E.A.T. has conducted a series of interviews to promote up-and-coming MMA in China. Lately, promotions outside of the United States have taken a back seat as the UFC swallowed up a huge market share. RUFF CEO Joel Resnick appears in an earlier interview (around RUFF 1) to discuss getting a deal done in China, their talent pool, and why they got a fight card to take place in mainland China when the UFC could not. He also discussed the interesting topic of crowning a Chinese National MMA champion, a novel idea for certain. RUFF 5 was televised for free in China, bringing it to an astounding 450 million homes. It will be exciting for fans to see a new promotion with talented fighters such as Wang Guan and Liu Ping Yuan, who both won their fights today and are interviewed by Karyn Bryant below. Both fighters provide some excellent insight to the exciting state of Chinese MMA. Thanks to our friends at MMA H.E.A.T., and check out RUFF’s website at

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