Roosevelt Roberts Taps Brok Weaver – UFC Vegas Results

Roberts Weaver

Next up on the UFC Vegas main card is a lightweight bout between Roosevelt Roberts and Brok Weaver.

Round 1: Roosevelt lands a body kick but it’s caught by Weaaver. Weaver clinches him up against the fence but they separate quickly. Roosevelt lands a quick right. Weaver goes forward aggressively and clinches Roosevelt up again. Roosevelt reverses the position but they separate. Roosevelt lands a leg kick. Roosevelt lands a body shot and does some trash talking. Weaver goes for the takedown but Roosevelt defends as they separate. Roosevelt lands a nice one two and partially lands a kick high. Weaver seems to be getting mad at the trash talk and clinches him against the fence again. Roosevelt’s takedown defense prevails yet again. Roosevelt is clinched up again and reverses to attempt his own takedown. Weaver defends but finds himself in a standing guillotine attempt. Weaver scrambles on to the ground as the round comes to an end.

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Round 2: Roosevelt lands a big knee on Weaver. He attempts another but partially misses as Weaver looks to clinch him again to no avail. Weaver tries again and fails. Roberts lands the takedown soon after and is looking for the submission. He nearly locks in the rear naked choke but Weaver just about escapes only to receive a number of big shots. Roosevelt locks up the rear naked choke soon after to get the win.

Official result: Roosevelt Roberts defeats Brok Weaver via rear naked choke submission (R2, 3:26).