Ricky Simon Dominates Brian Kelleher – UFC 258 Results
Next up on the UFC 258 main card is a bantamweight bout between Ricky Simon and Brian Kelleher.
Round 1: After some left hooks from both, Simon level changes and takes Kelleher down in the center of the Octagon. Kelleher scrambles to the side of the cage but is still controlled by Simon. Kelleher appears to be bleeding badly on his face but it’s not known how it happened. Simon takes him down soon after he gets up and is in half guard now. Simon appears to be going for an arm triangle choke but Kelleher escapes. Joe Rogan reveals it was an elbow that led to Kelleher’s cut. Simon takes his back but Kelleher escapes and the fight is standing again. Simon gets another takedown and goes for another arm triangle choke. Kelleher escapes but he is breathing heavy this time as he does it. The fight returns to striking. Both fighters exchange leg kicks. Simon ducks a left hook as the round ends.
Round 2: Simon lands a nice leg kick. He’s putting the pressure on Kelleher. Kelleher lands a body kick. Kelleher just about misses a high kick. Kelleher lands a huge front kick to the head. Simon counters by taking him down. Simon lands some hammer fists as he gets up from a leg lock attempt from Kelleher. Kelleher lands a leg kick but Simon is still pressuring forward. Simon lands a big right and follows it with a left. Kelleher sees his leg kick checked. Simon blitzes forward and lands a couple of leg kicks. Simon goes for another takedown and lands it. Kelleher attempts a guillotine but to no avail as he’s controlled by Simon. Kelleher gets to his feet and eventually separates as they return to striking. Kelleher lands a front kick to the body just as the round ends.
Round 3: Simon connects with a leg kick. Kelleher blocks a high kick and then misses his own. Simon throws a number of up elbows while striking. Kelleher misses a spinning elbow and sees himself controlled by Simon again who has his back up against the fence. Simon takes him down. Kelleher seems to be going for a kimura but is countered by a kimura attempt of Simon’s which causes him to scramble. Kelleher gets up but is controlled by Simon again who takes his back. They separate. Kelleher lands a front kick to the body. The fight ends.
Official result: Ricky Simon defeats Brian Kelleher via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27).