Rafael Dos Anjos: Conor McGregor Called Irish Fans ‘Traitors,’ They Should Abandon Him

It may have seemed that UFC featherweight champion Conor McGregor couldn’t get any more brash or outspoken in his instant-classic media quips, but heading into his historic bid to become the first simultaneous two-division champion when he faces Rafael dos Anjos at March’s 5 UFC 197, just that is actually transpiring.
As usual, ‘Notorious’ ramped up the promotion for the blockbuster affair as only he can do at a press conference this week, promising to ‘dust dos Anjos’ in one minute and go on to win the welterweight crown, but he also may have crossed a line when he brought race into the equation by calling ‘RDA’ a traitor to his Brazilian country men due to him moving his family and camp to California.
McGregor has, of course, brought Brazil into the mix before his highly hyped promotion for his 13-second of Jose Aldo at last December 12’s UFC 194, but this time it’s gotten personal. Dos Anjos understandably isn’t too pleased with the accusations, and he lashed out at McGregor at the event.
Jump to the next page to find out just what the lightweight champion said about the Irish superstar….
Dos Anjos believes (via Irishmirror.ie) that McGregor’s insinuation just doesn’t make sense because many people leave Brazil just like many people leave Ireland, and indeed McGregor spends a lot of his time in Las Vegas these days; many would suggest it’s a sizably more amount than he spends in his native Dublin, Ireland.
With immigrants realistically being the lifeblood that has made other countries like the United States what they are today, dos Anjos interestingly suggested that McGregor is calling his own brethren traitors by labeling him one:
In Brazil, millions of Brazilians leave and a lot of Irish leave Ireland. These people don’t deserve to be called traitors.
“I think he’s calling his own people traitors and I want to call all the Irish who live in the USA to be on my side because he called them traitors. I want their support on March 5th.”
While some believe that McGregor is already inside of dos Anjos’ head like he got into Aldo’s, the lightweight champ insists he knew what he was going to do at the presser and expected the usual lack of disrespect from the ‘Notorious’:
“The guy thinks just because he is dressed nice and drives nice cars that he has class, but he’s classless, he’s a low-life.
“I knew he was going to talk over me and take my place, that’s his style. But I’m going to talk louder on March 5th. I knew he was going to try to use all his weapons to make me get mad but I kept calm. He has no respect, he doesn’t know the word, it doesn’t exist for him.”
Remaining calm in the face of madness appears to be the even-keeled champion’s plan, as dos Anjos stated that McGregor is just another opponent whom he’s going to walk through come March 5:
“I think Conor is just one more guy that I’m going to put my hands on and I’m going to be victorious for sure.”