Please, UFC, Can we change a few things?

The following is probably the most irritating thing about the UFC PPV:

  • The intro is tacky (let’s be honest here folks!) The dude putting his gladiator gear on…could do with a little updated version. 


  • Don’t get me started on the hard rock, all I hear is a guy shouting at the top of his lungs….something about “When i step in shit”


  • The Fighters are CLEARLY reading during the intro! “He needs to be eliminated”…Ok GSP, calm down…


  • The people in the front row going ballistic. Beer spilling, tits shaking, kids making funny angry faces, old guy with beard waving his fists at the camera…
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  • Joe rogan when he says the same thing you heard a million times before


  • The build up video for a brazilian fighter will many times have a voice over that is saying something completely different to what the fighter is actually saying.


  • When the camera films a famous person in the crowd. They pretend they don’t notice. Then it gets awkward and he/she can’t resist but stare with a huge smile that begins to strain as he/she stares…and stares….and stares…


  • David Spade….really? Does anyone even like this guy?


  • When the corner men drop the banner…is it that difficult to coordinate?                                                       “I’ll hold this corner” “okay cool, I’ll hold that part” “Ok, so what do I do?” “You just stand in between us head banging as DMX pumps up Chuck”
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Anyone agree?