Photo Tribute: Chuck Liddell Parties With the Stanley Cup — And Half the World’s Female Population

Stanley Cup

Former UFC light-heavyweight champion Chuck Liddell could have been inducted into the UFC Tito Ortiz to Be Inducted Into the UFC Hall of Fame Any Day Now” href=”” target=”_blank”>hall of fame simply for his post-fight (and pre-fight and everything in between) partying prowess. So we’re not that surprised that Liddell recently partied at an Los Angeles night club with members of the NHL champion LA Kings, Sir Stanley’s cup itself, and several little people dressed up as Oompa Loompas.

All in the night of a UFC ambassador, we suppose. In addition to a couple photos of that night courtesy of Pulitzer-winning TMZ, we’re including a collection of some of our favorite Chuck Liddell partying photos from over the years. As you’ll see, Chuck has gotten down with classy pairs of ladies, celebrities, more classy ladies, former opponents, douchebags, and piles of yet more comely finishing-school drop outs.

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Here’s to you, Chuck — the world’s hardest hitting and hardest partying accountant. Cheers. Video and enviable photos await you after the jump…

Liddell doing a keg Stanley Cup stand

This is how Liddell parties before a fight (specifically UFC 71). Boss

Liddell takes time out to pose with some douche

Liddell doesn’t even let total loathing and lack of respect for someone get in the way of partying with them

Sleep is the cousin of death so Chuck always keeps his eyes open while with the ladies


This is what Liddell wakes up to every morning

No one is immune to a hard St. Patty’s day

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– Elias Cepeda