Cormier calls for Pat Barry to replace Frank Mir on November 3rd

Recently Strikeforce World Heavyweight Grand Prix winner Daniel Cormier has found himself in the news a lot due to his November 3rd fight rapidly approaching, with no opponent named. After Frank Mir endured a knee injury that forced him to withdraw, it was reported last weekend that Matt Mitrione as offered the bout with Cormier but turned down the UFC’s offer to go to Strikeforce. Cormier, however, had his own opponent in mind, and took to Twitter to call for this fight:

.@danawhite offer the fight to

Renzo Gracie takes out two muggers on the streets of New York City

UFC Veteran Renzo Gracie took out 2 alleged muggers last night as he was walking the streets of New York City. To add insult to the injuries of his two assailants, the Brazilian Jiujitsu Legend tweeted the entire incident.
In combatives and firearms classes, this author has often told his students the following paradigm: “If you look like food you will be eaten.” This tends to hold true in most areas of the world as criminals tend to prey on victims that appear to be weak or distracted.

Assemblyman Bob Reilly: Insurance isn’t going to do anything for the brain damage fighters suffer

ZUFFA’s recent announcement of the company’s customized accident insurance coverage, which covers all Strikeforce and UFC fighters inside and outside of the cage, appeared to be both welcomed and applauded by all. That is, with the exception of MMA’s most infamous detractor, New York Assemblyman Bob Reilly, who has openly likened the sport to a form of “human cockfighting.”