Logic behind Mixed Martial Arts rankings

Rankings. They’re addictive and endlessly debatable, or are they? One of the great features of Low Kick is the option to submit your rankings for the respective weight classes and of course, the revered and glorified “pound for pound” list. 
The question I have been asking myself for weeks now is what gives a fighter the right to be in the top 10? Should it be based on skill alone, the physical abilities that fighter appears to exhibit against his opponents? if so then the likes of Alistair Overeem,

Bloodstain Lane’s Blog #5: Greg Jackson’s camp, Brock Lesnar, Megumi Fujii and a few words of wisdom

What’s up you fucking Bozo’s? Bloodstain is back with another blog for you pencil neck geeks – My Twitter war with Nathan “Hotdog” Marquardt has really took off and now it has got to the point where he invited me to spar and roll with him so he can beat me down..I know the cards are REALLY stacked against me…but one thing I do know is I’m not scared. I will approach this with a Chute Boxe & Hari/Manhoef Mentality. – Jon “Bones” Jones also said I aint an Alpha male. Words of wisdom to the “Black

Top 10 Fighters currently not on LowKick.com Community Top 10 P4P Rankings

The rankings system here on LowKick comes pretty close to perfect, in my eyes. Pulled from around 500 votes, the rankings are the culmination of every single users own personal rankings list. When each list is added, a fighters is awarded points for how highly rated they are. So if enough people consider Jose Aldo the P4P king, then he will earn his spot at the top, because you voted him there.Of course, everybody will have a different opinion, and a different P4P list.