FIFA says yes,UFC says No.

As the biggest sport event in the world advances toward his final match (Fifa World Cup), the south African horn know as vuvuzela was ask to be ban from the stadiums , but they have decline and allow fans to blow the horns during the games.
Meanwhile on the other side of the globe the fastest growing sport in the world being lead by the UFC, prepares to make his own biggest event yet , UFC 116

Brock Lesnar on Fedor: He’s the greatest Champion in his own little World, I hope he retires

Speaking at the UFC 116 Media Conference Call, UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar made it crystal clear how he feels about the legendary Fedor Emelianenko. Answering on the question about never having the opportunity to fight “The Last Emperor” before he retires, here is what Lesnar had to say:”Good for Fedor. I hope he does retire. He’s the greatest champion of all-time. He’s the greatest champion ever, of all-time, in his own little world. Good for him. I can beat him… I can beat absolutely