Then and Now: What has changed in MMA since 2005?

A long term dynamic develops in every sport that sticks around for a while. A section of the fan base will inevitably compare the play of today to their heroes from yesteryear.  Whether it is the baseball fan that longs for the day where they didn’t have to worry about someone using performance enhancing drugs after every home run, or the football fan that yearns for the era of hard hitting and less complaining in the NFL. One thing is a common factor; this group wishes things would go back to

Lauzon and Bisping respond to Jon Jones’ refusal to fight Chael Sonnen, who would have fought for free

The fallout of UFC 151 being cancelled is coming down on the MMA world with a quickness, and current UFC Lightweight contender Joe Lauzon has quickly stepped up to voice his opinion. Many fighters, fans, coaches, and journalists will run to heap negative criticism upon Jon Jones and his camp, and Lauzon is no different. Speaking to, Lauzon expressed his opinion immediately, with strong conviction:
“Not only has this screwed over all the fans that bought tickets, non refundable

Lauzon and Bisping respond to Jon Jones’ refusal to fight Chael Sonnen, who would have fought for free

The fallout of UFC 151 being cancelled is coming down on the MMA world with a quickness, and current UFC Lightweight contender Joe Lauzon has quickly stepped up to voice his opinion. Many fighters, fans, coaches, and journalists will run to heap negative criticism upon Jon Jones and his camp, and Lauzon is no different. Speaking to, Lauzon expressed his opinion immediately, with strong conviction:
“Not only has this screwed over all the fans that bought tickets, non refundable

UFC 151 Media Call: Jon Jones says MMA fighters shouldn’t have to use TRT

The controversial topic of TRT again rears its head in MMA, this time surrounding a high-profile title fight. When Dan Henderson enters the cage to face Jon Jones on September 1st, he will be 42 years old and seemingly getting better with age, at a time when most fighters are long gone. It is no secret that Henderson uses a TRT regime to help him combat the effects of aging and a hard training schedule. He is far from the only one to use the controversial therapy by now, with fighters like Chael Sonnen,