Dana White gives it to Jones and Jackson with both barrels

In front of a group of reporters gathered at UFC headquarters in Las Vegas, UFC President Dana White unloaded on UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jon Jones and his coach, Greg Jackson. Dan Henderson was forced to pull out of UFC 151 because of a knee injury and Jones refused a bout against substitute opponent Chael Sonnen.White had no kind words for Jones: “The Jon Jones piece of meat f&#*ing thing. When I see him in f&#*ing  Toronto, that’s the first f&#*ing  thing we’re going to talk

Renzo Gracie takes out two muggers on the streets of New York City

UFC Veteran Renzo Gracie took out 2 alleged muggers last night as he was walking the streets of New York City. To add insult to the injuries of his two assailants, the Brazilian Jiujitsu Legend tweeted the entire incident.
In combatives and firearms classes, this author has often told his students the following paradigm: “If you look like food you will be eaten.” This tends to hold true in most areas of the world as criminals tend to prey on victims that appear to be weak or distracted.

Overeem: I will be fighting in December to get that belt sooner rather than later

Allistair Overeem claims he will be fighting in December. According to a post on his Twitter account:

I’ll be fighting again in December and mark my words, I’ll be back.. to get the belt, sooner rather later.
— Alistair Overeem (@Alistairovereem) June 18, 2012

Overeem is currently serving a 9-month suspension for testing positive for elevated levels of testosterone. the suspension was retroactive to March 27, the day of the test. That means Overeem’s suspension will expire in late December. If the

Frank Mir: I would feel slighted if someone else were picked to fight dos Santos

Frank Mir recently expressed his obvious disdain at possibly being overlooked as the number one contender for Junior dos Santos’ UFC Heavyweight title at UFC 146. Since the massively publicized fallout from slated UFC 146 challenger Alistair Overeem’s failed drug test, many rumors have been swirling about who will step in to replace Overeem. While Overeem is still waiting the official decision of the NSAC concerning this matter, things do not look optimistic for the May 26 fight to go on as originally