Not That It Matters, But Jon Jones Had Two Chicks In His Car When He Crashed His Bentley Into a Pole

Jon Jones

(Sorry bro, that title doesn’t give you diplomatic immunity. / Photo via Cagewriter)

In a follow-up report about Jon Jones’s DUI arrest, WBNG Action News confirms that the UFC light-heavyweight champ had two women in his 2012 Bentley Continental GT when he had a run-in with a telephone pole in Binghamton, NY, on May 19th. Both were injured, and neither of them was his fiancée:

Cara Johnson, 25, was in the front passenger seat and Michele Vojtisek, 25, was sitting in the back passenger seat. When Jones crashed, air bags deployed. Vojtisek suffered bruising and cuts on the right side of her face, one above her eye and one below. Johnson got a nosebleed and complained of shoulder pain. She also had bruising from a seat belt. Both women were treated at Wilson Hospital.

Officers say Jones speech was slurred, he was unsteady on his feet, and it was evident he was intoxicated. Jones refused a field sobriety test and a breathalyzer. He pled guilty to DWI Tuesday in Binghamton City Court as part of a plea deal and will be back in court for sentencing on June 19.

MMA Mania gives us the head up that Cara Johnson was a former college basketball player who went to high-school with Jones; we’re not sure who this Vojsitek broad is. And in a related story on SI, Loretta Hunt lays out the complete history of Jones’s spotty relationship with driving:

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Jones, who lives in Ithaca with his fiancée, Jessie Moses, and their two young daughters, Leah and Carmen, was also cited seven months earlier in Albuquerque, N.M. — where he trains for fights — for driving with a suspended license. That charge was dismissed in March for failure to prosecute. Jones’s New York license was active at the time of his May arrest.

Jones was also involved in documented multi-vehicle accidents in January 2011 in New Mexico and in New York in December 2008 and January 2009. Jones was not found at fault for any of the accidents, but was cited for “unsafe passing” in the January 2009 collision with his fiancée and newborn daughter in the car with him. None of the accidents involved alcohol consumption, according to the reports.