Nate Diaz’s Own Supplement Line May Be Responsible For USADA Issues

One of the biggest stories from 2019 was Nate Diaz’s issues with the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) prior to his fight with Jorge Masvidal at UFC 244.
USADA initially told Diaz to keep the abnormality in his test to himself, however, that went against Diaz’s personal code, prompting a lengthy statement on social media, in which he threatened to not show up for the fight if his name wasn’t cleared of any wrongdoing. Quickly, USADA announced Diaz was cleared of any wrongdoing, and the fight went on as planned.
While it was never announced what exactly went wrong with Diaz’s test and how traces of the banned SARM substance got into his system, a user on Twitter seems to have solved the mystery. It appears that a supplement from Diaz’s own company, “Plant Man,” may be to blame for the issues. The supplement comes from Diaz’s supplement company, Game Up.
“This is Game Up’s “Plant Man” entry in the USADA High Risk List at Two opened part-used bottles found to contain lgd-4033 Two sealed bottles purchased found to contain lgd-4033, ostarine (both sarms) and methasterone (an anabolic steroid)”
This is certainly an interesting case, as Diaz has been cleared of any wrongdoing, with the blame instead being shifted to the supplement company. However, Diaz himself owns the company. It remains unclear if any further action will be taken on the matter, but it seems unlikely.
“In 20 years following anti doping in sport, this is genuinely a first for me. “Athlete acquitted after contaminated supplement manufactured by athletes own company found to be at fault” From Game Up Nutrition’s launch press release.”
What do you think about Diaz’s supplement company likely being responsible for his USADA issues?