My Nutrition V-Log (for audience testing purposes)

So this is just a TEST video and isn’t meant as a guideline, resource, or anything more than me screwing around. 

The purpose of the series that I INTEND on making will be proper nutrition with set goals. I.e. notice I don’t really say why I eat certain things, or when (other than the time) and what it’s meant to ultimately accomplish.

I just wanted to see how I act in front of a camera, even though I speak to thousands of listeners a week on the radio.

ultimately with MY eating habits what I wanna cover is questions like

“don’t you feel hungry being a vegetarian?” 

“don’t you ‘want’ to eat meat?”

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“how can you possibly get your (or enough) protein?”

“you ‘need’ to eat meat (to be an athlete or even to function)”

some of these I briefly touch upon, such as eating tofu instead of meat because of it’s absorbent quality and the fact that I eat 6 or 7 times a day.

others I briefly only mention, such as dark leafy veggies being crucial (for calcium)

anyways enough ranting. gimme your creative input 😛


Daily Nutrition V-log pre-cut v 1.0 from KnoqOut on Vimeo.