MMA Fighter Dwayne Herelle Charged With Homicide of Ex-Girlfriend

Dwayne Herelle has been arrested and charged with stabbing his ex-girlfriend Irene Torres to death. The 28-year-old has confessed to the murder.
Herelle is currently held at the Davidson County Detention Center without bond. The parents of Torres reported concerns to the police due to catching Herelle on camera dragging Torres out of the house in the early morning hours plus a history of domestic violence issues. Herelle was taken into police custody and confessed to stabbing Torres to death in his car and storing the body in a closet.
Coach makes comment Dwayne Herelle
The MMA coach of Dwayne Herelle Chris Beasley spoke with the local WKRN News 2. He said:
“It blows my mind because I never ever would expect anything like this from Dwayne. He was such a nice person. He would always go out of his way to help people … You got two different faces – you’ve got your face that you show everyone and you’ve got your face that you keep private. It’s amazing how people can look you in your eyes, be a nice person, and then turn around and be something else.”
He continued:
“The majority of the fighters that I’ve trained, they don’t have anger issues because you get to work out your aggression in the gym… it doesn’t usually equate to go out in the streets and get into fights, beat up women. That just doesn’t make sense.” [Transcript courtesy of MMA News]
Professionally, Dwayne Herelle was 0-2 as an MMA fighter having competed in 2017 and 2018.