Michael Bisping Reveals He Was Nearly Robbed, Killed In Cape Town

Michael Bisping

Former UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping detailed a daunting experience he recently had in Cape Town, South Africa.

The Briton is currently shooting a movie there and the incident occurred after the cast and crew went out for dinner on Friday night.

“We go out for a Chinese meal, [I] don’t like Chinese but whatever…” Bisping said on his podcast (via BJPenn.com). “We end up having a few drinks. I get back, it’s like three o’clock in the morning and the Uber driver drops me off at a four-way cross street not by my hotel, and he says ‘your hotel is over there’, so I get out the car and the Uber driver drives off and I don’t know which way to go.

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“All the while, I may have been stumbling slightly, and staring at my phone which is a giveaway, I’m on my apps. I’m stumbling around a little bit and all of a sudden low and behold, the freaks came out, the thieves came out, the muggers, the nasty f*cking criminal bastards. Before I knew it, I was surrounded by 10 to 15 homeless people begging for money and then they started getting kind of nasty.”

Dangerous Situation

Despite his state, Bisping was now aware of the situation he was he in and got his defenses up.

“I start raising my voice saying ‘stay the f*ck back’. At this point now, because my defenses are up, I’m trying to be big, just like a lion in the jungle puffs out his mane… I’m puffing out my chest and I’m trying to look as scary as possible so these motherf*ckers don’t make a move.”

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To make matters worse, two guys, who Bisping claimed were intoxicated, showed up in a car and demanded he get inside.

“If I get in this car, I’m a dead man, simple as that because they are gonna kill me or rob me and leave me for dead,” Bisping added. “I’m backing up, there was a little opening and I just f*cking ran. They didn’t chase much, and I ran down the street and low and behold there was my f*cking hotel. You motherf*ckers, don’t ever tell me this town is not dangerous.”

It’s not the first time Bisping has had such an experience. In 2017, he was robbed twice and suffered a near-death experience in Hawaii.

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Fortunately, nothing happened to “The Count” on both occasions as he fittingly concluded his Cape Town story: “Never a dull moment in my life.”