Martial Arts Fail of the Week: Obese Russian Jedi Knight Teaches You How to Fight

We don’t have a ton of information to go on in regards to this week’s Martial Arts Fail. All we know is that a guy named Lev Ivanov (not THAT Lev Ivanov) uploaded this video (and a bunch of others) to Facebook, claiming they’re a badass example of the martial art Systema. The video itself is pretty great. It’s just some fat dude living out his fantasy of being a super awesome Jedi and flinging padawans around with the force like it’s nobody’s god damn business.

A quick Google search for “Lev Ivanov systema” only yielded this Facebook page and other Facebook pages sharing these videos — and then a ton of links to the more famous Lev Ivanov, a Russian ballet dancer.

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But we urge you to watch all of this dude’s videos because they’re all equally horrific. Take this one, for example:

So is this the worst Martial Arts Fail of the Week yet? Maybe not — Ashida Kim and and the Balinese white magic guy might’ve been worse.

And by the way, thanks to Joachim U. for the tip!

If you see any video that’s good (or bad) enough to make the cut, let us know! Send it to