Manager: Conor McGregor’s Level Of Fire Is ‘Reignited’

Expect to see the old Conor McGregor back.
McGregor makes his return to the Octagon for the first time in 15 months when he faces Donald Cerrone in the UFC 246 headliner on January 18.
In the meantime, the Irishman has regularly been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. But with his return looming in just three weeks, his manager Audie Attar believes there is renewed focus within McGregor:
“I’ve seen a level of fire that’s been reignited with him,” Attar told the Post (via SCMP). “And I think that it’s no secret in terms of how successful he’s been. We’ve done things that nobody ever thought we could do, from the Floyd Mayweather fight to the type of contracts that he’s been able to earn. We’re very proud of that. Those don’t come easy.
“But those come with a lot of, I think, distractions and things that allow you to lose sight of what was really important to you. And the one thing that’s exciting for me is to see he’s refocused, and we all need that in life.”
Attar notably claimed he was “excited” because he hasn’t seen this level of commitment from McGregor since the old days where he was dominating the sport.
“I’m just so excited because I haven’t seen this in a couple of years and I’m telling people just sit back and you’ll see a performance of an old Conor, and I really believe that, because I believe that work’s being put in, and you can’t fake that,” he added.
“The thing about Conor McGregor is, if he focuses on his process, on what he can control, the outcome will be great, no matter who’s in front of him. That’s the key, and that’s the one thing we keep talking about, which he keeps talking about over and over again. What excites me is that he’s focused on the season, he’s focused on the process, he’s focused on what he controls, and that’s why all of those fights could potentially make sense, they’re all exciting.
“So it’s really what’s gonna motivate him, and keep driving him and his ambitions to be the best him out there. And I think that then that will give the fans what they wanna see, great competition against a worthy opponent, and bringing something that is very relatable, a guy that has achieved and dreamed and dared to do something that nobody thought he could do it.”
Do you believe we’ll see the old McGregor back at UFC 246?