LowKickMMAmeme Competition!

With the holiday season approaching we are in a giving mood here at LowKick. We are proud to announce the launch of a meme competition with kick ass prizes!  

 Participating is easy. All you need to do is:
1. Be a lowkick registered user, or sign up if you aren’t one already

2. Read the competition rules and guidelines below

3. Following the rules, create an MMA related meme and send it via LowKick Private Message to this user we set up specifically for the competition.

LowKick users will cast votes on their favorite meme’s. The top 5 vote getters will face off in a final voting round at competition’s end to determine the prize winners.

UPDATE: The Final Round will be held on Wednesday, December 19th. The top 5 overall vote getting memes will compete. However, if more than one of the top 5 were created by the same individual, only the higher vote getting meme by that person will compete in the final, and the next meme in line will be inserted to fill the spot.

READ MORE:  Dagestani Wrestling Legend Buvaisar Saitiev Passes Away at 49

First Place: Xbox 360 4 GB Console with Kinect

Second Place: Kindle Fire 7″

Third Place: Light Battlepack courtesy of Datsusara

Fourth and fifth places will receive LowKick T-Shirts 

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LowKickMMAmeme Competition Rules and Guidelines

The competition is open to all and only LowKickMMA.com registered users (registration is free).

Competition Period
The competition begins on Monday December 3, and ends on Wednesday, December 19. Winners will be announced on Thursday, December 20. All entries must be submitted by Monday, December 17.

The Competition
1. A user who wishes to participate in the contest will need to create an original MMA related meme, using the following images only (use the URLs below the images to generate the memes.):

READ MORE:  Dagestani Wrestling Legend Buvaisar Saitiev Passes Away at 49

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Or you can use famed meme character ‘Futurama Fry’ found at


2. Send the URL to the meme you’ve created in private message to our designated user

3. Every two days LowKick will post 10 of the best memes sent and LowKick users will vote for their favorites.*

4. The top 5 vote getting memes will face off in a final voting round at competition’s end to determine the prize winners.

* Exact timetable of the publishing of memes and number of memes published is subject to change.  

1. All memes submitted have to be original, created specifically for this competition and by the user submitting them. Any submissions suspected as copied or duplicated will be disqualified.

2. No porn, racist or offensive content.

3. Do not run any scripts, malware or any other program in trying to improve the amount of votes for each meme.

READ MORE:  Dagestani Wrestling Legend Buvaisar Saitiev Passes Away at 49

4. Users may submit more than one entry, however, no individual will receive more than one prize. 

Violating the competition guidelines may result in banning the user from Lowkick.

LowKickMMA.com reserves the right to cancel or amend the competition, the competition notice or these rules at any time without prior notice. 
LowKickMMA.com reserves the right to disqualify any person (banned members, members with more than one account etc) or e-mail address that it determines to be in violation of any term contained in these rules. In the event of any dispute regarding the rules, competition, conduct, results and all other matters relating to a competition, the decision of LowKickMMA.com shall be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.

If you have questions, contact us.

Good Luck !!!