Kelvin Gastelum Outworks Ian Heinisch – UFC 258 Results


Next up on the UFC 258 main card is a ranked middleweight bout between Kelvin Gastelum and Ian Heinisch.

Round 1: Heinisch lands a leg kick and then shoots for a takedown. Gastelum scrambles and goes for his own takedown. Heinisch threatens with a kimura. Gastelum defends well and has Heinisch’s back. Gastelum takes him down but Heinisch attempts with another kimura attempt. However, Gastelum is in mount and gets out. Heinisch scrambles and gets to his feet. Heinisch lands a leg kick. Gastelum responds with a body kick. Gastelum goes for another takedown and has Heinisch clinched up against the fence. Gastelum takes him down but Heinisch gets back to his feet again. Heinisch escapes and they return to striking. Gastelum employs a jab and puts pressure on Heinisch. Both fighters miss a head kick as the round ends.

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Round 2: Heinisch misses an overhand right. Gastelum lands a couple of big leg kicks. Gastelum eats a right hand. Heinisch lands a flying knee but Gastelum eats that and takes him down in response. Heinisch eventually separates and they return to striking. Gastelum clinches him up soon after. Heinisch separates and sees his body kick partially blocked. Gastelum clinches him up against the fence again but eventually lets go and returns to striking. Gastelum lands a left straight. Heinisch lands a huge body kick which is undoubtedly the best strike he has thrown. Gastelum clinches him up again as the round ends.

Round 3: Gastelum goes for a takedown attempt but gives up on it. Heinisch lands a nice right hand. Heinisch goes for his own takedown but Gastelum scrambles and has him clinched up against the fence right away. They separate soon after. Gastelum lands a nice left. Heinisch goes for another flying knee but gets taken down. Heinisch reverses and takes Gastelum’s back as he threatens with a rear naked choke. Gastelum scrambles and is now in Heinisch’s guard. Heinisch rolls and escapes as they return to striking with just over a minute remaining. They clinch up and Gastelum lands some knees. They separate before Heinisch goes for a takedown. Gastelum reverses and they return to striking. Heinisch lands a takedown but Gastelum gets up and lands his own to end the fight.

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Official result: Kelvin Gastelum defeats Ian Heinisch via (30-27, 29-28, 29-28).