Junie Browning Claims Phuket Assault Story Is a Shakedown, Fled Hospital to Avoid Being Killed by Thai Mafia

(Well, it was a nice vacation while it lasted.)
On Tuesday, we let out a long, weary sigh when we heard news that TUF 8 madman Junie Browning had allegedly beat up a woman at a bar, then beat up the bar’s staff and guests, then continued to beat up all of them later at a hospital. Considering Junie’s history of hospital violence, the story was all too believable.
Of course, Browning has his own version of the events, which paint him as a marked man in a corrupt country, doing his best to defend himself. Here’s what he wrote on his Facebook page immediately after the incident:
“Wow what a helluva weekend?!.. Some pussy named Sie Menzies and about 10 of his friends started a fight with me, I guess just to test a ‘UFC fighter guy’ at his shitty little bar in Karan Thailand. Had a beer bottle and glass mug shattered on my head then to make everything better, stabbed severely by some crazy Thai bitch. On a positive note I managed to break a few orbital bones, at least a couple jaws, and some unconscious bodies laying on the ground before I blacked out from loss of blood and apparently had to be resuscitated in the ambulance. So, how was your weekend?”
Once the gravity of situation sets in, Junie becomes deathly serious:
“Im officially the biggest American patriot there is now. These other primitive countries are all about money, mafia and corrupt law enforcement. Regardless what you believe I never touched a female in theses events that occurred and my girlfriend was there from start to finish to vouch. Hitting Thai women was an excuse for them to demonize me and get some baht out of me. You all don’t understand with my name, people will use it against me. I acted like an idiot on a reality show for publicity so they are using that against me. Im sorry and I care about people more than you thank and I appreciate all the support from the intelligent people that understand that these primitive countries are trying to kill me ( Literally ) . I need help BAD! please call the US Embassy in my regards. Thank you very much everyone.
Apparently in the news story I fled the scene in the hospital before the police got there. It’s obvious by this picture that the police were already there. It wasn’t until hours later my girlfriends and my phone were flooded with phone calls saying that the Thai mafia were headed to the hospital to kill me did we leave. We understood that it is a very corrupt place so we had to flee and get in contact with the US Embassy. Funny how cropping a photo changes the whole story.“
In a follow-up post on his Facebook wall, a woman believed to be Junie’s girlfriend supported the story with some gory details of her own:
“The Thai government is so corrupt! For anyone out there that knows the story about what is going on with Junie Browning, it is not true!
When two men get into an argument it should stay between them. 15 guys jumped on top of Junie and smashed his head in with glass bottles and beer mugs. I had to throw myself on top of his body while he gargled blood and they continued to kick him. Then even after… he lay unconscious some Thai girl stabs him!!!
If you know me then you know I would not make this up. I was there from start to finish.
Then you take all the guys from the brawl into the same room in the hospital? What do you expect to happen? Listen, this is not the USA this is Thailand. The country revolves around money and the mafia DOES exist. When you get a phone call saying that there is a price on your boyfriends head and if they find you they will kill you too just to get to him you run.Junie Allen Browning did nothing but fight for his life and try to protect me. All the media and mma forums like to talk shit because it makes a good story. Get a clue! You like to sit on your couch at home and watch the discovery channel and think you know what it is like around the world? That’s retarded! No women were involved in the fight and Junie did nothing that wasn’t provoked.”
Junie’s exact whereabouts are still unknown.