Jose Aldo Says There Was ‘No Slap,’ Find Out For Yourself

Jose Aldo

The exhausting all-out media blitz that is the UFC 189 World Championship Tour is nearly at its close, and that could be a good thing, as featherweight champion Jose Aldo is reportedly growing more and more angry with loudmouth challenger Conor McGregor with each passing day.

That rage stems from an TV show appearance on TSN in Toronto where McGregor supposedly slapped Aldo in the back after the producer made the curious decision of seating “Notorious” behind the longtime champ.

“Junior’s” camp has made it abundantly clear that they won’t tolerate any type of physical contact from McGregor, but Aldo explained the situation to UFC Brazil, noting that the brash Irishman simply grabbed his jacket on set:

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We went to a studio early in the morning for a live show, and we already stared at each other as soon as (McGregor) arrived. I was sitting in the couch with Dana, and he sit behind me. He pulled my jacket, so I immediately stood up. Dana turned, separated us and apologized. There was no slap. He pulled my jacket. That’s what happened. It looks like Dana said that he slapped me, but he didn’t even see it.”

UFC cameras captured the scene for today’s (Mon., March 30, 2015) eighth episode of UFC 189 World Tour Embedded. Find out what you think about the whole ordeal at the 2:15 mark right here:

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Although it looked like more of a slight shoulder squeeze than a slap on the back, White was quick to intervene and step in between as he has been the entire tour. The champ was noticeably angered by McGregor’s never-ending antics, and that should result in one of, if not the, most heated title fights in UFC history.