John Cena’s first heel promo was.. interesting

John Cena cut his first heel promo in the WWE for over 20 years last night – and it was interesting, to say the least.
Firstly, we had no new theme song or gear from John Cena. Instead, he came out and made it crystal clear that the fans don’t deserve that from him. It was a great heel move, in truth, because what does the ultimate bad guy do? He makes sure the fans don’t get what they want.
Then, we heard John Cena go down an interesting route. He made it clear how hurt he’s been by the “awful” treatment he’s received from the WWE Universe over the years, and to be honest, it came as a bit of a surprise.
It was almost as if he was turning down the prospect of being a ‘cool’ heel. Instead, he wanted to come across as badly as he could, really ramping up the idea that the fans shouldn’t be enjoying this at all. So far, it’s working.
John Cena understands the aim
We haven’t heard many of the details that we wanted to when it comes to his new partnership with The Rock, but we imagine that’ll come in time. For now, it’s all about how John Cena builds on this. Cody Rhodes came out and absolutely cooked him, but John wasn’t really given the opportunity to respond. Next week in Glasgow, we’ll see another layer get peeled back as we get closer and closer to WrestleMania.
Yes, we want to see a bit more depth than this to the character, but we’re only just getting started. The important thing was that we heard a lot of passion coming from John Cena, and a lot of what he said made sense.
It’s a solid start. Now, it’s time for round two.