Joe Rogan Sounds Off On ONE’s Weight-Cutting Policy

Joe Rogan offers some high praise to ONE Championship over their policy with weight cutting. This comes after Rogan praised them for the honor aspect of the sport and the presentation of their product.
Rogan spoke with UFC star Khalil Rountree during a recent episode of his MMA podcast. According to the longtime UFC commentator, he thinks this policy is something that the UFC should’ve done a long time ago.
The way that this policy works is that fighters get tested for their weight and hydration throughout the fight week. Before fight night, if they don’t pass all of their hydrations tests then they don’t fight.
“It’s the right way to do it. We should have done it a long time ago in the UFC. I really think that,” said Rogan (H/T to APMMA.Net).
“(Failed weight cuts have been) ruining cards, and even more importantly, I think causing fighters to fight at less than their full potential. How many fighters got hit when they shouldn’t have gotten hit? Because, if they were recovered completely, if they didn’t have to recover from a weight cut, who knows? Maybe there are shots you ate that you wouldn’t have eaten. Especially for some guys cut a brutal amount of weight. It’s entirely possible that you could get hit with something you wouldn’t if you didn’t have to cut weight.”
Rountree added his take by noting that he thinks by doing this then they could fight more often and train smarter. It all goes back to cutting weight to make their fights.
“We could fight more often. And the training would be a lot better too because a lot of fighters spend the last three, four weeks of their fight camp trying to loss weight.”