UFC flyweight Jeff Molina reveals refusal following blackmail attempt led to leak of intimate video

UFC flyweight contender, Jeff Molina has confirmed that a blackmail attempt over a “petty” issue involving him, led to the release of an intimate video of him across social media last week, leading to him coming out as bisexual in a statement subsequently released.
Molina, who has competed three times under the UFC banner since his move to the Dana White-led banner back in 2021, released a statement in the aftermath of the video leak across social media, coming out as bisexual, however, confirmed that the method in which he came out was not one in which he had initially intended.
“TLDR (too long didn’t read) I’m bi [bisexual],” Jeff Molina wrote. “Not the way I wanted to do this but the chance to do it when I was ready was taken from me. I’ve tired to keep my dating life private from social media. I’ve dated girls my whole life and suppressed feelings I had throughout high school on the wrestling team, throughout college pursuing MMA, and even after making part of the dream happen and getting into the UFC.”
Jeff Molina opens up on blackmail attempt on him last week
Appearing on The MMA Hour with Ariel Helwani this week, New Jersey native, Molina explained how an attempted blackmail of him led to the release of an intimate video of him across social media last week.
“The guy who posted it wanted an apology form me for something petty,” Jeff Molina said. “I think it was the second post that I got like two to three DMs on Twitter like, ‘Sned me $10,000 or $25,000 or I’m going to post this.’… Immediately it’s like my life is in shambles. I’m going through it, I’m bawling.”
“A couple hours went by and I got an influx of support, it was heartwarming to get messages from fellow athletes that are closeted, fellow UFC fighters that are closeted, people with notoriety that were just like, ‘Hey, man, it’s an inspiration, and it sucks on the terms that it happened, but you’re an inspiration, it’s inspiring for you to come out and be the first male UFC fighter to be out.’” Jeff Molina explained.
Issued a suspension by both the Nevada State Athletic Commission and the New York State Athletic Commission back in November of last year, Molina is alleged be connected to the ongoing investigation into a betting and gamble scandal involving his former head coach and UFC welterweight and lightweight alum, James Krause.