It’s Probably Not A Good Idea To Call Ronda Rousey Fat

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UFC bantamweight queen Ronda Rousey doesn’t have much time for haters, such as Bethe Correia, who only got 34 seconds on the champion’s clock at UFC 190. ‘Rowdy’ since stated that she’d ‘taken her time’ on ‘The Pitbull’ after the Brazilian’s hateful comments made Rousey determined to not go to ground and instead seek the knockout win.

As well as her 12 battles in MMA, the upcoming UFC 193 clash against Holly Holm in a promised record breaker in Melbourne, Australia, the undisputed 135-pound boss faces many challenges outside the octagon. Few would have thought that body image would’ve come in to that equation though, but in fact it does. During an in depth interview with the New York Times, ‘Rowdy’ reveals that she got rubbed the wrong way by comments at a fitting session for a recent commercial she was starring in:

(Rousey) had been planning to lose a few pounds before filming, “but because somebody said something really rude to me, I came into the shoot purposely way heavier,”

“And the campaign ended up being amazing, even though I was heavier just to make a point. “I swear to God,” she said, shaking her head, “if anyone calls me fat one more time in my life, I’m going to kill them.”

The Olympic bronze medallist wouldn’t comment on which advert she was filming for at the time of these comments, but the Carl’s Jr. add showed her with a more ample than usual bosom, so you do the math. Continuing on the subject of body image, Rousey believes she can make a change in the way women are perceived in modern media:

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“If I can represent that body type of women that isn’t represented so much in media, then I’d be happy to do that,” she said. “When women say that going on publications directed at men is somehow demeaning, I don’t think that’s true. I think that’s one really effective way to change the societal standard women are held to.” 

“We seem to be in this conflicting era for women, where women are doing so amazingly and taking over the athletic world, but we’re also in a time where — — ” Ms. Rousey said, and paused. “How can I really put it? That women without any skills that freeload are being glorified. That’s something I was raised not to be. That you’re supposed to contribute to the world, not consume from it.”

‘Rowdy’ is certainly a born fighter, that’s apparent in everything she does, her life is a constant battle; if not against the fighter across the octagon, it’s with current issues or perhaps Justin Bieber. Whatever the case, Rousey concedes that the hardest thing for her to d in life is rest:

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“That’s the thing I’m worst at, resting,” Ms. Rousey said. “I have to be forced to do it. Sometimes I think of loopholes. ‘Oh, I’m just going for a walk, up a dune that’s 45 degrees, but I’m walking, so it’s not a workout.’ ”

“I can’t do it forever, but I’ll do it for as long as I can,” she said. “People call me a whole lot of things, but above anything else, I’m a fighter, and it’s going to be hard to accept an identity without that.”

Rivalries with Miesha Tate, Correia, Cris Cyborg and Floyd Mayweather have showcased the sometimes spiteful but always colorful personality of Ronda Rousey, and her unleashed rage is a thing of beauty to behold. It’s clear that she plans on transcending the sport in all aspects, and will one day stop fighting physically, but will always be present in some form of crusade.

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The ability to absolutely control her opponent’s is just one of multiple facets that make ‘Rowdy’ a joy to watch. How long this will go on for is anyone’s guess.