Happy Valentine’s Day From Lil’ Evil and the Producers of Jens Pulver: Driven

(Video courtesy of YouTube/gregorybayne)

If you haven’t seen Gregory Bayne’s masterful documentary about former UFC lightweight champion Jens Pulver‘s personal and professional triumphs, trials and tribulations, you really should be ashamed of yourself.

We get it; money’s tight and the economy isn’t great, so we’ll let it slide this time, but when we ask tomorrow, no one in the Potato Nation will have an excuse why they haven’t watched this movie.

Gregory has graciously made the film available for online screening free of charge for the next 24 hours for all of you cheapskates who haven’t gotten your Valentines anything.

You: Honey, I thought we’d stay in and watch a movie tonight on my laptop so we can snuggle in bed.

Your GF/wife/mom/blow-up doll: That’s so romantic. You can pick what we watch.

The movie paints a rarely seen side-by-side portrait of the struggles of Pulver’s two distinct personalities — Jens, the man and Lil’ Evil, the fighter — and gives a glimpse of the horrific abusive upbringing he lived through and rose up from to become one of the most revered champions in UFC history.

READ MORE:  UFC Title Contender Explains His Three Gallon Water Trick for Cutting Weight on Fight Week

Watch the film and if you enjoy it, order a copy HERE. We support this project and the Driven team supports CP.

Check out Jens Pulver: Driven HERE.