Guy Who Shot Himself On YouTube Calls Out Joe Rogan For A Fight

Joe Rogan via Flickr

In a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience with UFC featherweight Jeremy Stephens, professional comedian and UFC commentator Joe Rogan began making fun of a man who posted a video on YouTube in which he shot himself with a pistol through his cheeks.

In the video the man can be heard saying, “If I die from that f— it,” to which Rogan responded,“Your not gonna die from that pu—“.

When Stephens made the comment asking where the young man’s parents where, Rogan responded with “They’re at home doing meth.”. Rogan also made the comment stating, “That’s not a goal oriented individual”.

The man in the video, Kasper Knight, took to his Facebook page to respond to Rogan’s comments:

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“”Joe Rogan was talking garbage like I won’t punch him in the mouth. Since I know he looks at my Facebook let him encounter this message. He would never in his life catch me on a normal day walking around and say something smart to me. Lol”

“Let him summon me to his show and see if he bucks up.”

Knight proposed the option that the UFC commentator gives him a year to train, and he’ll be ready to cash out on a big payday for a potential bout:

“If Joe Rogan isn’t trying to sign a contract to where me and him can both get paid, train for a year, and then fight, I’m off of the subject. He called me out: not the other way around.”

It’s highly unlikely that Rogan will waste his time entertaining the idea of a fight with the ‘thug’, but it should be entertaining to see Rogan’s response to the challenge.