Greg Hardy Outpoints Ben Sosoli, Illegally Used Inhaler – UFC Boston Results

Next up at UFC Boston is a heavyweight bout between Greg Hardy and Ben Sosoli.
Round 1:
Hardy lands a nice leg kick and Sosoli connects on a body punch. Sosoli trying to hook his way inside with Hardy and close distance. Hardy lands a nice jab. A big leg kick for hardy finds home. Another nice body shot lands for Sosoli and Hardy connects with a pair of shots that wobble Sosoli a bit. Some nice clich uppercuts from Hardy now who ends the combination with a leg kick. The two exchange body jabs. A nice overhand connects for Sosoli. A big right hand connects for Hardy and Sosoli is bothered by his eye. Hardy begins to taunt as the round ends.
Round 2:
Sosoli tries to work his way inside but Hardy shakes him off with a shot. Hardy with a leg kick and jab. Hardy lands a kick to the body but Sosoli responds with a few hooks. A nice left hand connects for Sosoli, who ate a leg kick. Hardy continues to use the leg kick well. Another overhand lands for Sosoli off a Hardy leg kick. Sosoli feints a takedown and misses on a hook. The round comes to an end.
Round 3:
Greg Hardy illegally used an inhaler in between rounds. A nice check hook connects for Sosoli. Another nice shot connects for Sosoli, but Hardy drops him with a body shot. Sosoli shoots right back to his feet and lands a nice hook. Another overhand connects for Sosoli. Hardy continues to use the leg kick. Sosoli with a lead hook again but doesn’t follow up with it. Another big hook lands for Sosoli that seems to wobble Hardy a bit. The fight comes to an end.
Official Result: Greg Hardy def. Ben Sosoli via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)