Got ur number

#5 : Rampage has Chuck’s number

Chuck’s exodus into Pride started out well when he beat Overeem by WTF PWNAGE in the 1st round but it didn’t last long cause rampage ragdolled Chuck so badly his corner had to throw in the towel in the middle of the 2nd. Sucks for Chuck and the UFC at the time since that fight was like the UFC vs. Pride matchup. Chuck became a professional widow maker for the next 4 years and ZUFFA bought Pride. Redemption? Rampage TKO’d the longtime champ in the 1st round…starting his very painful fall from grace. 0-2 for Chuck…


READ MORE:  Dagestani Wrestling Legend Buvaisar Saitiev Passes Away at 49

#4 : Shogun has Machida’s number

 “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Machida Era!” Said Joe rogan while Rashad Evans was counting sheep. We all believed it to! I mean who was gonna beat him? Nobody, so lets give him Shogun… Face it, we all thought Shogun didn’t have a snowballs chance in hell. RIP shogun, food for the sharks. Haha…oh s**t! Shogun the dragonslayer :O In a fight that many belived he won and a rematch that resulted in a 1st round KO for shogun. Realistically 0-2 for Machida…rubber match may happen…so we’ll see 


#3 : Fedor has Nog’s number

 Fedor assumed the role of Dr. Frankenstein in his 2 brutal beatdowns of Nog that left him in a zombie like state. All joking aside Nog and Fedor had 3 fights one of which was a no-contest. One of the most memorable rivalries in the sports history. Thanks for the memories guys xD 0-2 for Big Nog.

READ MORE:  Dagestani Wrestling Legend Buvaisar Saitiev Passes Away at 49


#2 : Rich Franklin never got out of the Spider’s web

 They said Anderson didn’t deserve a shot at the champ after only 1 fight in the UFC, and for Rich…he wished they were right. Anderson delivered what had to be one of the top 10 beatdowns in MMA history. Rich however showed the heart of a true champ and worked his way back to a rematch with Anderson. For his troubles he got a beating that even left Anderson feeling sorry for him. Take a good look everyone, cause ur not gonna see that belt around anyone elses waist for a very long time. 0 and a very brutal 2 for Ace. 

READ MORE:  Dagestani Wrestling Legend Buvaisar Saitiev Passes Away at 49


#1 : Chuck has Tito on speed dial

 Between dodging Chuck and being diagnosed with Chuckophobia, pumpkin head recieved 2 nasty well deserved smackdowns. 0-2 Chuck Nuff said.   ( thanks for reading bro’s, hope u enjoyed it. btw no disrespect to any of the mentioned fighters. Honorable mention gsp and bj )