Floyd Mayweather No Longer Wants Rematch With ‘Coward’ Manny Pacquiao

All-time greats Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao kept the world waiting for years for what was eventually billed as ‘Fight of the century”’. The two boxing stars had danced around the idea of a super fight for most of the past decade, and it came to fruition finally on May 2nd.
The result was a decision win for ‘Money’ after 12 rounds, but many fans were left with a sour taste in their mouths. Accused of being boring and too defensive, Mayweather never really engaged fully with ‘Pac Man’, and the collective opinion was that the bout was a bit of a stinker.
It didn’t come as much of a surprise when Mayweather granted Pacquiao an immediate rematch, although that offer is now apparently being taken back. Check out what Mayweather told Yahoo Sports:
“Did I text [ESPN’s] Stephen A. Smith and say I will fight him again? Yeah, but I change my mind. At this particular time, no, because he’s a sore loser and he’s a coward. … If you lost, accept the loss and say, ‘Mayweather, you were the better fighter.’Excuses, excuses, excuses. I’m not going to buy into the [expletive] and I don’t want the public to buy into the [expletive]. He lost. He knows he lost. I lost a lot of respect for him after all of this.”
So much for the good vibes between Mayweather and Pacquiao. The former multiple weight champion ‘Pac Man’ disclosed that he was injured during the fight with ‘Money’, and perhaps that’s why the now vacated champ is talking this way.
It’s likely that Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao 2 will eventually happen anyway, with both probably wanting to cash out of their legendary careers with one more massive payday. With early PPV (pay per view) estimates ranging around the 5 million mark, there’s no reason that these two wouldn’t fight again.
Do you think a rematch would sell half as many box office hits after the result of their first ‘Fight of the century’?