Ed Herman Submits Mike Rodriguez After Controversial Groin Strike


Up next on the main card we have a Light-Heavyweight bout between Ed Herman and Mike Rodriguez.

Round 1: The pair touch gloves. Rodriguez checks a leg kick from Herman. Herman continues to go to the leg. The pair take their time in measuring each other out trading low kicks. Herman bursts in but is shucked off by Rodriguez, Rodriguez throws a low kick but loses his feet after it gets checked. The pair clinch for a seconds before separating. The kicks continue from both fighters. Herman pushes Rodriguez to the cage clinching where the pair trade shots. The position is reversed by Rodriguez. Herman changes level to attempt a takedown but is stopped and the pair separate. Herman lands an overhand right before the pair clinch and Rodriguez lands a massive elbow. Herman shows visible signs of being hurt as they pair clinch once again giving Herman time to recover. The pair move to the center and trade shots. After a heavy leg kick Rodriguez clinches. The round ends with a short elbow from Herman.

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Round 2: Herman opens the round with a low kick. Rodriguez manages to avoid a flurry from Herman before they clinch against the cage. The pair continue to hand fight against the cage. Rodriguez lands some heavy knees to the body. Herman drags Rodriguez to the ground, however, Rodriguez manages to get back to his feet. The knees continue from Rodriguez before the pair separate. A heavy body kick lands for Rodriguez. the pair clinch and exchange before Rodriguez lands a knee that the referee says is to the groin. After examining the tape it does not appear to be a groin strike. The pair return to the feet a body kick stuns Herman. Rodriguez continues landing a body kick and knee that drops Herman. Herman continues to be let up to the feet before the bell sounds.

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Round 3: Rodriguez opens with a low kick. Herman shoots in for a takedown. Rodriguez manages to return to the feet. Rodriguez rains down elbows to Herman. The elbows force Herman to his back where Rodriguez assumes half guard. he continues to rain down shots from the top., Herman looks for a Kimura, Rodriguez defends. Herman secures the Kimura. Herman gets the submission win with the Kimura.

Official Result: Ed Herman def. Mike Rodriguez via SUB (Kimura) 4:01, R3