Darrick Minner Outgrapples Charles Rosa – UFC Vegas 19 Results

Up next at UFC Vegas 19 we have an exciting featherweight fight between Charles Rosa and Darrick Minner.
Round 1: They clinch up early. Darrick Minner tries to land a knee on the exit. He’s storming forward now and is catching Charles Rosa with some wild punches. Minner catches a kick and drags this fight to the mat. Rosa pops back up but it’s not long before he’s dragged back down to the floor. Minner is in side control. Rosa has an arm locked up but is using it to stifle his opponent’s attacks rather than pursue submissions. Rosa tries for an armbar. He follows that up with a leg lock attempt. Minner survives those attempts and maintains top position excellently. Lot’s of scrambling from Rosa on the bottom but he’s unable to get back up. Minner transitions to the back and then into full mount. He’s locking up an arm-triangle choke. Rosa defends once again. It’s a ferocious pace on the floor here. The scramble leaves both fighters in an odd position and as round one comes to a close Rosa is trying for another leg lock.
Round 2: Minner lands a powerful low leg kick and several strikes upstairs at the start of round two. Minner drops Rosa and swarms on the mat. He takes the back of Rosa before opting to move to mount. Some short shots are going in from this position but nothing that makes you think this fight is close to over. Rosa kicks off the fence and does well to recover guard. He’s searching for an armbar but Minner shakes it off. Rosa is setting up a triangle choke from the bottom. It’s relentless stuff from Rosa on the bottom but Minner is in control and winning this fight. Minner is in side control dropping elbows in. He hops to the back of Rosa who tries to stand up. Minner maintains positions and drags the fight back down. In the mount again. He’s stuck to Rosa like glue. Minner locks up an arm-triangle choke. It looks tight. Rosa survives and immediately attacks the arm. Minner shakes it off and gets back to working his ground and pound. Rosa once again threatens with an armbar attempt as we close out round two.
Round 3: Rosa pushes forward at the start of this final round. It’s not long before Minner is pushing him back and has this fight back on the mat. Rosa is trying for the kimura but Minner is nearly mounted. It’s going to be tough to finish it from here. He uses it to recover his guard. Minner locks up the position. Rosa is backing into the cage. His cage is screaming for him to stand up but the fighter seems happy throwing up submission attempts. Another armbar attempt. Minner shakes it off. Omaplata from the blood-soaked Rosa now. Minner stays patient and works his way out. He drops the odd punch but is content to maintain position. Minner transitions to the back. Into the final minute now this fight has been all Minner – super impressive. Rosa is throwing elbows and punches from the bottom. Minner covers up and survives the onslaught to see out this final round.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Darrick Minner def. Charles Rosa via unanimous decision